Is The S&P About To Drop?
Chaos Clinic For 1/17/2025
This is a chart of the intraday S&P futures and SP3XGO, adjusted by moving it forward
2.5 days. The SP3XGO forecast suggests a sharp drop over the next four trading days.
SP3XGO is an energy field calculation using only the first trading date of the S&P futures.
It does not use any current data. It computes the interaction of the S&P with the
universal energy field.
Will this drop occur? Time will tell.
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Software to plot electric field flux lines in NinjaTrader is available at
1/17/2025 1:25:20 PM MT RJS:: It's been another great day here. Please have a safe and enjoyable weekend! I hope to see you on Tuesday. :)
1/17/2025 12:05:51 PM MT Al****:: time to call it a day-market has gone flat; on trade buy 6030 covered 6045 for +15
thanks for coming-see you next week-take some courses
1/17/2025 11:28:31 AM MT RJS:: Stopped out. I'm beginning to appreciate Al's trading rules. :)
1/17/2025 11:25:35 AM MT RJS:: Market is struggling to move up even an inch.
1/17/2025 11:20:18 AM MT RJS:: Moved stop to breakeven.
1/17/2025 11:13:44 AM MT RJS:: Long again.
1/17/2025 9:53:38 AM MT RJS:: Congratulations! For those following Al's trading parameters, phenomenal trade!!! :)
1/17/2025 9:44:36 AM MT RJS:: Robert, thank you for that post! I'm looking at this right now. A huge weakness in my trading is that I don't take into account the over arching long-term market structure. Thanks to you guys and gals, as of right now this will be a daily part of my market preparation. You have no idea how helpful just that bit of advice is to me. :)
1/17/2025 9:16:18 AM MT RJS:: Again, for those new here and to trading in general, I believe before putting any trade on good traders must know exactly where, when, and how they are getting out of the upcoming planned trade. If I don't see a good exit strategy, then I will not take the trade no matter what. Now I will shut up. :)
1/17/2025 9:10:59 AM MT RJS:: Currently, I'm using one simple strategy from the SPKISS Chart 3 that I've woven into my trading style. For those new here, such as myself, I always try to take trades that are as riskless as possible. I have developed over time a quick on the draw exit with no questions asked or regrets if I feel a trade is not doing what I think it should do. Therefore, I never wish or hope for a trade to turn around and go in my favor--I believe this is a psychological defect as regards trading that will ruin your account over time. With that said, I still have so many areas to improve in how I conduct my trades.
1/17/2025 9:03:28 AM MT RJS:: I know Chart 3 is strong but for me this is an excellent point gain.
1/17/2025 9:02:46 AM MT RJS:: I just stop out for a solid gain. It probably will go up now even more.
1/17/2025 8:58:25 AM MT RJS:: Long for a little bit and now have a break even stop. Market moving slowly up. I'll see what happens.
1/17/2025 8:54:34 AM MT RJS:: My count on the 3-hour I believe shows we have more to go here to the downside.
1/17/2025 8:32:34 AM MT Robert****:: for me, 6026 to 6076 and if we saw 6107 I will short 3 places to get to 5760 within 2 weeks or less
1/17/2025 8:30:51 AM MT RJS:: Last post correction: I meant "loose" and not "lose." Oh well, it's one of my English teachers coming back to haunt me.
1/17/2025 8:30:16 AM MT Robert****:: the 1/7 close on the 1st large impulse move down retested this AM. Ideal place to put the short on. Small charts are meaningless without understanding of where you are in the larger market structure on the Charts that Institutions trade on. Al showed his Daily chart 2 weeks ago on a 7 move up and the market dropped from there, this is how it works. He's not putting that in the AUX unless it matters.
1/17/2025 8:27:27 AM MT RJS:: I appreciate both Al and Robert discussing the market from a longer time frame perspective. I know I lose that perspective while focusing too much on the short term.
1/17/2025 8:12:34 AM MT RJS:: Oh boy. It's like the market knows where I want to enter and it's not filling either side. :) I do lean heavily long b/c of SPKISS Chart 3.
1/17/2025 8:05:12 AM MT RJS:: I'm currently looking for an entry into the market. I now have a bracket entry to go either long or short depending on where the market goes.
1/17/2025 8:02:14 AM MT RJS:: I think I see the two large impulse down moves you speak of in reference to EXGO. I'm not sure what it all means but I'm all ears. :)
1/17/2025 7:39:29 AM MT Robert****:: I believe EXGOs correct in its forecast with the two large impulse move downs to the left on the larger 3 hour charts.
1/17/2025 7:38:36 AM MT Robert****:: I like your chart on AUX page. I agree on the short call, for 150 points down plus to 5760
1/17/2025 7:32:02 AM MT Ff1:: Good morning everyone!
1/17/2025 7:06:10 AM MT Al****:: Good Morning visitors. Welcome to the Chaos Clinic.
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1/17/2025 6:45:38 AM MT RJS:: Good morning!
1/17/2025 5:29:01 AM MT oag****:: Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a prosperous day!
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