Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
1:05 that's my 2 planned trades, so I'm done for the day-screens will run to close-thanks for coming-see you next week-take a course
12:55 +5.25 - covered when I saw the bounce start -came off the Mars flux
12:53 bought 95.5
12:42 after this sort of a week, buyers will be timid
12:31 I will cover this late in the day and suspend the 9 point rule -stop 1399
12:29 given this week's climate, we may close hard down
12:21 stop 1400 -will let this one ride for max
12:20 stop to 1401-looks like green +Tide
11:56 stop 1402.75
11:53 sold 1400.75 stop 1403.75
11:42 looking weak going into trade time-watching for now
11:22 so far on green +Tide
11:08 dip on the Moon/Mercury timeline -back to the 1401 eclipse flux bundle
10:50 passing Sat/Nep vertical timelines turned it up
10:43 I think all the big houses are having meetings to decide what, if anything, to do
10:33 looks like congestion for a while
10:19 got support on Mercury/Moon-up 9 points is about 1406 - may make that
10:11 out -1
10:07 too bouncy to move my stop
9:55 sold 1400 stop 1403
9:45 I think the rally fades here
9:34 opening down, but with a rally in progress-up to sun flux line
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
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trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
3/2/2007 11:09:19 AM Mountain DBJ:: Thanks Al. It feels good to see what might happen again! :-)
3/2/2007 11:06:38 AM Mountain Al:: nice job, DBJ
3/2/2007 10:55:25 AM Mountain DBJ:: Out +5
3/2/2007 10:49:30 AM Mountain DBJ:: Stop 97. I see a slight possibility of a reverse head and shoulders
3/2/2007 10:31:45 AM Mountain DBJ:: Took +4 on half, stop 98 on rest
3/2/2007 10:24:40 AM Mountain DBJ:: stop 1400
3/2/2007 10:13:51 AM Mountain DBJ:: Resold 1400
3/2/2007 8:13:19 AM Mountain DBJ:: Out -2
3/2/2007 8:08:50 AM Mountain DBJ:: With you at 1400 Al
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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