Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
11:32 I'm going to punt - very dull, and I'm exhausted from my technocrap battle with CenturyLink-see you next week
11:20 taking a breakfast break
11:03 on AUX chart coming to down blue swan
10:53 converging sideways-line along highs and one along lows converge about 2:30 Eastern
TECHNCRAP - lost all the comments
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
4/7/2017 9:05:54 AM MT Al****:: TECHNOCRAP keeps a lot of people employed
4/7/2017 9:01:54 AM MT jvj****:: Don't you just HATE IT when that happens (TECHNOCRAP)!
4/7/2017 7:50:50 AM MT Al****:: GM Martin-good to see you
4/7/2017 7:46:23 AM MT martin****:: gm all - have a great day !
4/7/2017 6:33:18 AM MT Al****:: thank you
4/7/2017 6:19:12 AM MT jvj****:: GM all, Al: Nice Job on webinar yesterday!
4/7/2017 5:46:29 AM MT Al****:: GM all-good luck today
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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