Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
3:05 looks like weak into the close-I'm done for the day-thanks for coming-see you next week-take a course.
14:45 covering on stall for +1 - just no juice
14:38 stop 87.5 -keeping it just under the 110 EXMA
14:31 stop 87.25 - slow mover
14:18 stop 87 -looking better
14:16 stop to 86.75 -110 slowly moving up
14:13 small continuation buy-needs some juice
14:05 so far, so good; found support on the 110
14:02 needs to rally now
1:42 look for more buying after the exact TideTime
1:40 stop 86.5 -under the 110
1:30 bought 87.75 stop 84.75
1:23 got 20/110 buy-looking for chance to get a good entry
1:20 looking bullish going into trade time - if hold above 86 may get an ending rally
1:01 next trade time is 1:53 -near the Chiron timeline-support was on the Chiron flux
12:37 still on red -Tide -not chasing it - banked my money -best next trade is at next tide turn
12:29 had big gap up -not able to keep going, so possibility of closing the gap later in the day
12:20 low came on the horizontal Saturn electric field flux line and the vertial Mercury timeline
12:09 taking my +4 and scrapping my delusions of granduer
12:01 stop 87-will hold, since the OOB trade turned into a trend trade
11:57 this is the +4 point for an OOB trade; considering covering
11:50 still moving pretty slow -may accelerate after Mercury timeline
11:39 stop 87.5 - will let this one run -high was on Moon timeline, and have a big square
on the wheel of fortune, so I expect a 6 hour down fractal
11:37 on Clinic page can see on red -Tide
11:28 stop 1488-at the 110 -note how it curled over
11:21 rally was stopped near the Moon T+180 electric field flux at 1491-move has potentisl to go to T+135 at 1482
11:15 chart in CCT room looking good
11:14 got it - stop 89.5 -note crossing in yellow MoonTide Harmonic grid-high energy point
11:08 got a 20/110 sell crossing -still holding-want to see some juice
11:00 stop to 90 -pushing it because of slow action
10:52 stop 90.50 - looks like it may break down
10:48 stop to 91
10:45 an out of band trade is a "return to the mean" trade - so when it returns to the 110 EXMA it can stall
10:41 stop 91.5
10:39 weaker after exact time-so far so good
10:22 still OK but not much motion yet-coming into exact TideTime so watching to see how we come out of it
10:05 OK, seen enough -sold 1490 stop 93
9:56 that was an out of band sell setup - decided it was too early to take
9:53 rally running out of momentum
9:44 first trade time is 10:36 -so just watching until close to that time
9:43 today I am running a live chart in the CCT room
9:38 I like to open three browsers and watch the SPKISS chart, the Chaos Clinic chart, and the Wheel of Fortune
On wheel of Fortune you can see that prices are being attacted to Jupiter,Venus,Moon, MoonB line up
9:27 Preopen is up -energy center at V,R,O,T 1491/near 10:00
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
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9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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