Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
3:32 +5-I'm done for the day-thanks for coming-take a course-learn about chaos and how to trade it
3:28 stop to 14, locking my 5-now just wait to see what I get
3:18 stop 14.25 - I Thrive on Chaos
3:09 stop 15.5 - don't like the stall but have to wait it out-stuck on Moon/Pluto flux
2:58 the MoonTides show the greatest change in energy in the last hour
2:50 stop 16-same as Ben in the chat room
2:47 stop 16.5
2:44 the MoonTides have a vertical portion right at 2:20 that portion comes from a place where energy cannot add together
often prices react to that point by falling or shooting through "worm holes"
2:36 stop 17-going for more than +5; the reason is this: prices are staying under the 20 EXMA even on congestions, therefor a fast move
2:34 I also was watching a Face of God pattern on my swing chart, inidicating a drop late today or on Monday
2:28 stop 18.5 - A 6 hour Fractal of Pi says down until close
2:18 stop 19.5 - chaos follows dullness - the volatility pinch was a warning that the congestion was ending
2:11 now stop 1320
2:08 stop 1321
2:07 this decline is right on a portion of the Fractal Grid, taught in my Chaos Trading Made Easy course
2:05 sold 19 stop 22
1:57 coming into trade time - the rally of the week is over- the stock specialists would like to hold it up to the close
Specialists love a dull market, because them maed a tick on each little pop
1:35 the S&P futures are sure having a boring birthday party
1:25 last several bars have highs set by Saturn, lows by Sun; coming to the Moon and Chiron timelines
12:37 The last trade time is after 2:00 - I'm taking a break until then
12:15 one good thing about the MoonTides, is they give train times - if you miss one train, you wiat for the next one-prevents overtrading
11:59 when the market is dull like this, it is a very bad idea to stare at it-staring at the little pops
feeds your amygdala-that part of the brain that protects you-it may imagine that the pops are danger, and generate fear
11:53 this churn just under the highs of the past 20 trading days looks like distribution -suggesting a decline ahead
11:46 aborted -.75
11:44 Crazy Harry, conductor of the S&P train, likes to park it in a station and take a long break to see a girl
today he's off to see Ms. 1320
11:35 stop 1321.5
11:32 starting to move after passing the Mercury timeline
11:28 pretty dull-trying to be patient-meanwhile, look at the awesome Euro forecast on the aux page
11:19 stop 22
11:16 stop 22.5 - when stuck in mud can get out or ease stop slowly
11:11 little down streak on Node timeline - still stuck in mud but may get out soon
11:05 stuck in the mud-just getting pop-corn noise and grease splatters
10:52 sold 1320 stop 1323
10:49 the next trade time is near 11:10; 110 EXMA is now down, so possible continuation sell setup
10:44 seem to be stuck near the Chiron and Moon T+180 flux
10:39 the trend has turned down, but it has not yet gained any momentum
10:26 aborted -1.5
10:13 trying to rally-continuation buy setup-buying 1322 stop 1319
10:05 got a little up streak as passed the Venus timeline-now have a very narrow 3.5 point trading range
9:56 today Venus and Sun are at the same point they were when the S&P futures first traded 24 years ago
That is 3 Venus "place" cycles of 8 years
9:52 not getting much movement-may just go flat-market has been very choppy for the last month-want to stay out of chop
9:49 now if we get a 20/110 crossing, we have a sell setup -high was set by Jupiter-dropped down to sun
9:42 the high on the 7th was near 1323, since then went down 36 pts and up 36 points; 36 pts is 180 degrees
9:33 not a good trade setup - not out of band, and not near the 110 EXMA
9:30 opening up
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
4/21/2006 12:59:02 PM Mountain Ben:: +5 gotta go out - hope you get +9 Al. Thanks for the CTME course - it got me into this trade.
4/21/2006 12:45:42 PM Mountain Ben:: stop 16
4/21/2006 11:59:48 AM Mountain Ben:: sold 19.5 - early, but let's hope it picks up some downside energy
4/21/2006 9:57:35 AM Mountain Balanced:: Plus 2.5 on the day. I know chaos follows dullness but this is chop city.
4/21/2006 9:19:49 AM Mountain Balanced:: A two point range of 19.50 to 21.50 - 3 times in a row in the last hour.
4/21/2006 9:07:38 AM Mountain Balanced:: Very choppy. Masses can't take direction. Rotational.
4/21/2006 9:05:00 AM Mountain Balanced:: Trying too push higher. Ejected at 19.50 reject at 20 even. Plus .5.
4/21/2006 9:02:52 AM Mountain Ben:: out -1.25
4/21/2006 8:58:40 AM Mountain Balanced:: Good wick on 3 minute. Market rejection. Could go now but seems to be supporting 19 area. Short 20.50.
4/21/2006 8:57:23 AM Mountain Ben:: resold 20
4/21/2006 8:50:40 AM Mountain Ben:: out +.5 not ready yet
4/21/2006 8:44:00 AM Mountain Balanced:: Good cross over. Market appears choppy. Plus 1.5 for the day and waiting for clearer direction.
4/21/2006 8:41:07 AM Mountain Ben:: sold 20 a little early, but I decided to go with it
4/21/2006 8:36:22 AM Mountain Balanced:: The 9:30 trade to go with flow was good again for 2 to 3 points.
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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