Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
2:58 out +2 -I'm done for the day-thanks for coming-see you in 2 weeks-gone next week
2:55 stop 1102
2:54 my original +4 cover is 1005
2:52 stop 1100-waaatch for streaks up timelines going into close
2:43 rebought 1100 stop 1098
2:39 don't like this stall-covered -1
2:34 oob trade is a "reversion to the mean" trade -the 110 EXMA in this case
2:31 stop 1099-so far so good
2:27 bought 1101 stop 1098
2:23 out of band buy set up-buy break of 20 EXMA
2:19 1098 is the pit's S2 price as well as Moon flux-if it holdes, look for late rally
2:17 now have a complete Moon flux to Moon flux "bnad gap energy jump" -like the electrons in a transistor
2:09 "running the band edge" - may set up an out of band buy near 2:30 -be patient
2:03 hit the lower band-will now try to rally for 20-30 minutes-that could give a continuation sell
2:00 Today is a "two-Moon" day-two Moon timelines-often volatile and one way
1:58 When you see that you missed a trade, you want to let it go and look ahead-past is past
1:50 the 110 EXMA has been flat since 10:00-now it looks to be rolling over-should get a
continuation sell near last Tide turn
1:46 that drop broke support, so now I'm watching to see the nature of the next rally
1:43 I did not pick this Tide turn to trade-just a judgement call
1:40 the up yellow MoonTide Harmonic Grid line is still the supporting trendline
1:34 I'm back -market went nowhere-so I saved some emotional capital by not watching it
12:42 I'm going to pass on this trade and take a break-back in about an hour
12:33 still holding Sun price as come to Sun time
12:25 down white diagonal line and up yellow diagonal line form triangle,ending soon
12:22 low just above the yello MoonTide grid crossing-bullish
12:20 looks like trying to turn up-waiting
12:10 I'm trying to give it another ten minutes to show me what its going to do
12:05 support on Sun flux line
12:02 looks like on green +Tide-flat, so wait to see how it comes out of this Tide turn
11:33 now have a nice converging triangle with the apex at the next Tide turn
11:06 when prices trade both sides of the 110 EXMA, stay out-tend is weak or there is none
11:02 note that despite the wide swings, the 110 minute EXMA has barely moved in last 90 minutes
10:57 resistance on the white diagonal grid line off the high-forming a converging triangle so far
10:49 bulls still want to take it up-just waiting for next Tide turn
10:20 note how precisely that low hit the crossing of the yellow MoonTide Harmonic grid
10:07 now it looks like on the green +Tide-look for slow move to 1007
9:58 if you are wondering why I didn't take the out of band sell trade, too, it is because
my big gain cost me emotional capital-I don't want to get too excited and caught up like others
9:55 that move was forecast by red -MoonTide,time was excellent,tracking indicators
confirmed move, and target rules worked well-I love a good day
9:49 after that 12+ point streak, prices are likely to trade inside it all day
9:46 that move stopped right at the same Moon flux line that stopped the news spike high
Venus opposing Moon timelines were really hot
9:43 Out 1117 for +9, just fine
9:42 stop 1114-entry+9 is fast move cover
9:40 stop 1109.5 -will try for more than +4 on this fast move
9:37 stop 1108-cover is 1112, +4 for out of band (oob) trades
9:34 Moon and Venus vertical timelines right on the open-makes for fast move-stop 1107
9:31 bought 1108 stop 1105
9:05 pre-opening out of band buy setup -waiting for outcry open at 9:30
8:43 Jobs report 288,000 jobs-expected 170,000-raising fears of higher interest rates
Note emotional high on Moon flux and low on Moon's Node flux -Moon runs emotions
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
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trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
5/7/2004 11:21:47 AM Mountain TG:: Stopped for +1.25
5/7/2004 11:05:59 AM Mountain TG:: keeping stop very tight at 1109 now, action looks week.
5/7/2004 10:58:41 AM Mountain TG:: 12:40-45 est has marked 1 day cycle low last two days, may have done so again today. Time frame was also on a natural time today, so bought 8.5 with a tight stop as price was holding above 20 Exma, a little anticipatory of 20/110 break.
5/7/2004 8:32:43 AM Mountain Greg:: Yes, that was great trading! It is a good day.
5/7/2004 8:21:54 AM Mountain TG:: Wow, fireworks early. Missed initial big run up but got +5 on oob sell so not too bad. Nice trading Al.
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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