Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
2:45 I'm done-thanks for coming-have a great 3 day weekend
2:40 looks like finish on green +Tide
2:37 still a congestion day; Tides are mixed
2:34 out -1 on stall
2:28 not going anywhere
2:14 needs to turn down soon or I'm gone
2:11 very flat - specialists in complete control
2:06 making a high at the high in the red -Tide
1:49 coming to the Saturn timeline soon - Saturn price line is at 885
1:34 good example of how congestions try your patience :) ; if I flinch, then see I was OK, I re-enter
1:32 resold 891 stop 894-triple top at 893.5
1:29 the stock specialists would like to hold prices up into the close,
just churning them for their one tick advantage
1:22 aborting for -2 ; I got sucked into a congestion - and it stalled. I get out and wait.
1:12 still OK, but stuck in congestion mud-prices still attracted to Moon T+315 flux
1:02 OK by 2 ticks, but may get hit
12:47 holding up for now - need to just sit and let stop do it's job
12:34 on the MTRainbow chart, broke the 440 EXMA, which has turned down, suggesting this was a simple ABC correction
12:32 stop to 894, .5 above last minor high
12:28 sold 890 stop 895
12:18 looking weak- a break below the last low at 890 would interest me in selling, but I think
we hold up into the third trade time, based on my Fractal of Pi pattern in CCT Room
12:12 holding up, but top wicks on 3 minute candles says no rally juice
12:00 trading on the 110 EXMA, which is pretty flat; support came on the 440 EXMA
11:46 may not get a trade here - mid day often dull ; but it highs hold into last trade time a selloff could end the day
I have posted a chart in the Certified Chaos Traders room showing how this oculd happen
That room is open to all who have taken my 4 main courses
11:36 almost at the second trade time -watching for a 20/110 sell setup; note that I can protect a sell at 895
11:30 so far, a congestion day as expected- upside was limited - that buy I missed would only be up about 1.5 right now
11:24 making high as pass Moon timeline - trading range looks to be established
11:19 so far tracking green +Tide
11:12 on the Chaos Clinic astro chart prices are riding along the Moon T+135 electric field flux, holding them up
11:01 coming to the Moon and Node timelines, which are hot today as the Moon squares the Node and they are contra-parallel
10:53 the pattern today could be move 1 and 2 of a new down Chaos Clamshell-watching to see if we fail to make a new high
10:48 There was a buy entry there, but I missed it, so I will pass on the first trade
10:43 second effort by the bulls pushing prices up to the 880
10:34 the congestion is forming a converging triangle with the apex near mid day; so could get a decnt move in the afternoon
10:30 rally stalled below the 880 EXMA, which continues to exert selling pressure; limiting upside potential
10:21 now have a buy crossing, but trading both sides of the 110, so staying out-smells of congestion mud
10:16 trading above the now flat 440 and 110 , so no drop and no sell entry
10:09 white candle on the MTRAinbow chart - EXMA's pinched - continuation sell setup - watching for an entry on a drop
10:07 rally back up to the 110 and 440 EXMA's-watching to see if they stall the rally
10:04 this is more volatility than I expected on a pre holiday session; the question is, "Will it continue?"
10:00 looks like downswing is over; a 13 point retrace of a 17 point rally; interesting, because both are prime numbers
9:56 note that the price bars on the MTRainbow chart are red during a decline and white during a rally.
This is determined by the 13 minute EXMA crossing the 27 minute EXMA. Here I'd like to see a white rally, then a switch to red to sell
9:52 Here I'm watching the MTRainbow chart for a higher low, followed by a tradable rally
9:47 This early drop has killed the bull's hope for a rally-now I want to watch the nature of the next minor rally
9:42 now trading below the 440 EXMA, which has rolled over
9:40 now at a 50% retrace of the rally off yesterday's low - usually support
9:33 On the MTRainbow chart, the 110 EXMA is flat; the 440 is rising but curling over. The early rally was stopped
by the declining red 880; all saying flat to down
9:28 Up from yesterday's low in a counter trend congestion
Hotline trades are at 10:20, 11:44, and 14:07 - may be pre-holiday dull
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
5/22/2009 2:30:59 PM MT cgm:: what wsa that website al mention....the preacher in texas?
5/22/2009 2:02:57 PM MT Ahab****:: looks like the market closed at 887..once again close to Saturn 885...
5/22/2009 9:11:10 AM MT AMBG:: I see what you're saying - obey the larger trend.
5/22/2009 9:08:00 AM MT Ahab****:: take on the XGO pattern for next week is that this modestly up/consolidation pattern will have a downward bias. From past observations it’s important to step back and look at the longer XGO forecast. We just passed an XGO high. A XGO forecast which shows consolidation after a decline would make one think that prices would hold up and maybe they will. But with a forecasted low down the road my experience with XGO makes me believe that this modestly up/consolidation forecasted pattern will have a downward bias.
5/22/2009 8:50:01 AM MT AMBG:: Thanks acetd.
5/22/2009 8:49:56 AM MT Ahab****:: Thats an easy question to answer....I am short.
5/22/2009 8:41:39 AM MT acetd****:: Xtide2 Plus has tracked the market much better and has strong down bias over the next week
5/22/2009 8:38:35 AM MT AMBG:: Ahab, how you reconcile that when XGO shows market holding up into next week?
5/22/2009 8:33:52 AM MT Ahab****:: The market is still trading a short distance either side of Saturn at 885. The Mars Venus area has been generating some energy and sharp but short rallies. Maybe Mars will set the high. If prices drop from that level and go through Saturn at 885 there isnt really a lot of support until that Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune conjunction at 866. The Sun is at 872 and could provide some support as it did yesterday. This is just one of many possible scenarios but its the one that appears most probable to me.I do believe we get to 866 if not today....soon.
5/22/2009 7:28:29 AM MT UNI:: GM All
5/22/2009 7:28:17 AM MT DP****:: GM All. Thanks for the chart Al. Have a great day.
5/22/2009 6:35:01 AM MT Al****:: GM all -good luck today
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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