Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
12:37 today's volume at this point in the day is much lower than yesterdays'-the holiday effect. I'm going to call it a day.
See you next week. Take a course or two. Have a great Memorial Day.
12:27 here the 110 EXMA has flattened out above a rising 440. So the 20 EXMA may get tangled with it.
The 440 EXMa suggests a bit more rally today-but on a holiday weekend Friday, it may not be tradable
12:22 There is a tutorial on Trading the MoonTide Rainbow linked on the right side of the ListOfCharts page
It gives some good guidance on interpreting EXMAS. On the MTRainbow chart, the white 440 EXMA is up
and has been all day. That is why I was not interested in a sell on the first trade.
12:21 I'm back- looks like I didn't miss much
11:23 taking a break now. I'll come back for the second trade
11:15 don't like the stall-covering 1332.25 for +3.25
11:10 stop to 1330.5 - lock a bit
11:01 stop to 1329, break even-looking good
10:56 stop to 1327. looking OK
10:47 getting a bit of juice; low +9 is about 1336
10:43 moving stop to 1326.5, one tick under the low - can do this on a dull day
10:26 taking continuation buy at 1329 stop 1326
10:25 right here is where just watchin EXMA's can confuse you - maringal sell on the 110/20, shich is probably a head fake
10:22 not much juice now that the computers have quit - just watching for now
10:06 marginal new high in the rally since yesterday about 11:00, then a whack on the news
drop down to the Sun +H090 and Chiron +C180 electric filed flux; it looks like support
10:00 this report is one the hedge fund computers play-they are in and out for afew ticks, and quit after 5 to 15 minutes- I usually just watch until they are done
9:57 Sentiment a bit better than expected. There is a link to economic reports on the left side of the ListOfCharts page.
9:51 getting a little action going into the Consumer sentiment report-first trade time is 10:11-I'll wait
until then or later
9:42 Today I am running a research chart in the Certified Chaos Trader's Room. That room is open
to graduates of my 4 main courses. See -> Courses for details.
9:38 I'm not sure how tradable today will be. Even though the market is open normal hours, this is a holiday weekend Friday
which usually means low volume as people leave and the computer trading guys back off any aggressive systems
9:20 if you have your sound on, the duck call you hear is the automatic hex pattern recognizer detecting
a 6th harmonic resonance on the Wheel of Fortune. See Hex Wheels Today, and the Hex Wheels tutorial,
linked on the right side of the ListOfCharts page.
9:18 Happy Memorial Day to everyone, and a big thank you to all who have served our country
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
5/27/2011 9:59:04 AM MT RJD:: Al, your story link is really great, thanks for sharing. I was there in 1966 to November 1967. Here is my link:
5/27/2011 9:28:36 AM MT LEM:: Hope trumps fear...
5/27/2011 9:06:04 AM MT mm****:: Let's hope they push it to the next R level, which is 1336.75.
5/27/2011 9:03:10 AM MT LEM:: This is why trading the moving averages is so frustrating. Back and forth trading with little result and maximum energy use.
5/27/2011 9:02:09 AM MT LEM:: Following the rules, traded short at the TWindow within 2 points of the 110MA. The rules say nothing about head fakes.
5/27/2011 8:37:31 AM MT LEM:: My sister is still hoping that my father's widow will release his ashes for burial at Arlington.
5/27/2011 8:36:22 AM MT LEM:: The 13eMA is above the 27eMA but the 22eMA and 110eMA are crossing and recrossing. Very confusing.
5/27/2011 8:32:40 AM MT LEM:: Could use some more insight on the term "continuation buy"
5/27/2011 8:31:40 AM MT LEM:: And stopped out on my short...
5/27/2011 8:20:40 AM MT Al****:: This country has a lot of heros - 250,000 buried at Arlington alone - one of those is a clasmate of mine - Ron Bliss
you can read about him at
5/27/2011 8:15:39 AM MT Al****:: WWII was so increadibly huge - and dangerous for anyone
involved - videos I've like are Band of Brothers and The Pacific-
so glad I wasn't on the ground - my hat is off to those who were, like RJD-LRRP is Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol-these guys hoofed
it around the jungle collecting intelligence, and running into more than a few fire fights-
all a long way from any support at all - you gotta love your country to do that
5/27/2011 8:14:13 AM MT LEM:: Xover of moving averages say go short.
5/27/2011 8:01:14 AM MT LEM:: After many years of estrangement, we reconciled before his death at 91. At a visit in Florida, I asked him a question that I had always been meaning to: "Why did not not serve in the European Theater in WWII since you spoke German and are of German heritage."
He responded " NO WAY, I didn't want to serve in some back room intelligence capacity. I wanted to FIGHT". He went on to say how ironic it was that as infantry he not only survived but the only physical injury he ever had was from a mishap in training.
5/27/2011 7:54:32 AM MT LEM:: My father Colonel Arndt Mueller, served in Vietnam.
5/27/2011 7:50:18 AM MT Al****:: you welcome RJD - talked to many LRRP teams - mostly ones who were lost - usually had to invent some gargone way of giving coordinates because radios were not secure
my Nam story is at
5/27/2011 7:47:13 AM MT mm****:: Consumer sentiment at 8:55 E
5/27/2011 7:39:45 AM MT RJD:: Al, us LRRP's really appreciated you being there for us in Nam. thank you. :)
5/27/2011 7:35:02 AM MT mm****:: Al - thanks for the few hundred missions you flew in Nam
5/27/2011 6:39:27 AM MT Al****:: GM all-good luck today
and Happy Memorial Day
Thank you to all who have served our country
5/27/2011 5:03:18 AM MT mm****:: gm all - heavy fog here - have a great day
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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