Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
2:20 I'm going to pass on this trade and quit for the day-very tired and good results-see you next week-take a course
2:18 hex pattern recognizer has found a Mercury-Venus-Node stable hexagon
2:16 Pluto et. al. is support and a congestion attractor
2:13 marginal 20/110 crossing-needs to break lower to get me in
2:04 getting some selling -waiting to see if it is enough to give a 20/110 sell
1:47 meeting resistance 12 points above low-a 60 degree range
1:27 gone flat-passing on this trade
12:58 back to the 110 EXMA-it will tend to be support-may go flat here after the chaotic move
12:48 coming into the next trade time -possible out of band setup, but I will wait until we are coming out of the Tide turn
12:39 energy for this pop-up is from the Pluto(P)/Node(O)/Sun(H) timelines
12:28 wow-looking good-missed my cover at + 5 so covering now at 1263 for +7
12:21 stop 1256
12:16 like the motion-stop 1255
12:12 stop to 1254 - up trend , but not a raging rally
12:05 getting a buy a bit of juice -bought 1256 stop 1253
11:53 now may get a 20/110 buy - a "hook and go" type set up -but still need some juice to attract me
11:45 just treading water -no juice = no trade
11:39 got 20/110 sell- ready to go it get follow through
11:32 spike as pass the Moon-no net movement-1254 support is Venus flux line
11:14 needs to break about 1253 to get a 20/110 sell signal
11:10 coming into first trade time we are pretty flat -may change after passing the vertical yellow Moon timeline
10:44 so far the little ripples in the green +Tide are showing up as minor highs and lows-stuck on the Moon flux crossing line
10:21 lots of energy release after passing Chiron
10:14 back in the office -support on Neptune flux, resistance on Moon flux - dull so far
9:12 Today's clinic will start a bit late because I have to run an errand. First trade time is at 11:30
MM: according to my mail server's log, my mail to you is being accepted by AOL, so it is getting dropped somewhere
in their system with ERROR 421: SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
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6/23/2006 7:54:48 AM Mountain mm:: Al, thanks for the info - since I am getting plenty of other emails this is a mystery -when I have time I may give AOL a call
6/23/2006 4:56:17 AM Mountain mm:: Al, I again did not get any emails - and your Friday letter is not on the web.
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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