Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!

Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
1:45 that's all my planned trades so I'm done- the market can go where it wants-I'm going camping
Thanks for coming-see you next week - take a course
1:42 aborted for 0-not going
1:33 stop 1250
1:29 looking OK - Fractal Grid from CTME course says to hold short until very near the close
1:20 hard to hang on with this amount of chop - about twice the normal amount
1:18 resold 48 stop 51
1:12 out +.5 - pretty choppy -may resell - for now will wait
1:05 dropped after passing Sun timeline-stop 1248
12:56 hex pattern was at 1248 - 12 points lower is 1236
12:53 stop 48.5 - free
12:49 stop 1250-could get ugly
12:45 on that last rally the 20 EXMA did not get aqbove the 110 as it did on the prior two-getting weaker
12:37 stop 51 -Mercury timeline hot
12:36 continuation sell 48.5 stop 51.5
12:24 placing a sell stop at 1246.75, just under last low
12:17 hex pattern at 1247 - watching for a sell setup going into 1:00 Tide time
12:10 looking weak
12:01 last week was hard down-this week we got a weak rally, then a fade - stock specialist see a decline coming, so
they have to trade out their paper to be ready to take the other side of sales during the decline -they do this by
churning the market while holding it basically flat
11:49 out 0 - looks like more congestion
11:45 stop 1250 - moon flux holding
11:39 stop 1251 - don't like the pace
11:28 stop 1251.5 -above the 110 EXAM
11:24 now getting a bit -sold 1250 stop 1253
11:21 not a good trade setup - the juice is gone
11:11 1251 is the balance price between the yellow Moon +T045 and -T135 Moon flux-they form a congestion area
11:09 getting a little "hook and go" sell on the 20/110 EXMA's-waiting to see if go flat
10:59 this high is on the Mars/Moon flux-low was on the Mercury flux
10:50 started on green +Tide, now looks like red -Tide -may just go flat and congest now
10:36 out -1
10:31 resold 48 stop 51 - trying to say with it but not doing that well at it
10:22 covered at 49 for +.5 - drop may be done-nothing like some bad earnings to spook investors
10:16 stop 49.5 - now free so just wait
10:13 stop 50-need to be patient
10:08 stop 51
10:04 resold 49.5 stop 52.5
9:57 I covered when I saw that the range had hit 12 points and the momentum slowed
9:55 out +5.5
9:50 Certified Chaos Traders - check the chart posted in the CCT room - it anticipated this move
9:49 stop 52
9:46 stop 56 - coming to the Moon timeline - that's where the volatility is coming from
9:36 stop 57 - More volatility than I expected today
9:34 sold 55.5 stop 58.5
9:32 opening with a little spike high on the Moon's node flux line-no follow through
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor

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9:00 Eastern-System: No comments

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