      Venus Cycle In The S&P
      Chaos Clinic For 10/11/2024

This chart is a 24 hour 6 trading day chart of the S&P futures.

Overlayed on the chart are Venus electric field flux lines and time lines.
The time lines are when the earth rotates the exchange to conjoin (V000)
or oppose (V180) Venus.

Drawn in brown on the chart is a Venus cycle running from lows on V180
to highs on V000. But on 10/10/2024 that cycle seems to have inverted.
After a choppy, confusing day, the market bounced sharply late in the day
on the V000 time line and the +Vh135 flux line. The inverted cycle is
drawn in yellow.

This inversion may be temporary. Another inversion to a low on the
10/11/2024 V180 is possible. Or the cycle could fade away for a a few days.
Price wise, a move up to the +V180 flux is probable. We shall see.

For more on my work and to subscribe to Tomorrow's Market Email Hotline and access to see
Software to plot electric field flux lines in NinjaTrader is available at

Below is one of the SPKISS charts from
and the chat room comments from this Chaos Clinic. Most recent comment is on top.

10/11/2024 2:04:11 PM MT Al****:: note that the market topped on the V000 timeline
10/11/2024 2:03:27 PM MT Al****:: Thanks for the enligtenment
10/11/2024 1:15:30 PM MT DWY:: last but not least. the moontide inversions can be known A PRIOR in time, and HOW the mooontides invert reveals information about the polarity of another cycle.
10/11/2024 12:44:17 PM MT DWY:: what does this mean? When the information of Cycle C is known, the inversion times of Cycle A are known DETERMINISTICALLY. Cycle C changes are the CAUSE of Cycle A inversions.
10/11/2024 12:29:30 PM MT DWY:: the recent venus cycle, say cycle A, inversion example from a LOW to a HIGH is giving information about another cycle's, say cycle B, POLARITY. the timing of the venus inversion is giving information about another cycle, say cycle C, which is the MAIN CYCLE. Albie, don't take my word for it. This phenom is evident in your XGO algo and Bradley's algo.
10/11/2024 12:03:40 PM MT DWY:: the KEY when investigating inversions is to understand that inversions are the EFFECT of another cycle, not the cycle in local scope. HOW the inversion occurs gives information on ANOTHER cycle, other than the global cycle causing the inversion of local cycle. I have a proof with quantum mechanics logic base and a mathematical PROOF.
10/11/2024 11:52:26 AM MT Al****:: at second MoonTide time-I'm passing - it just doesn't look that good and volatility tend to dry up Friday afternoons
10/11/2024 11:17:30 AM MT Al****:: 5855.5 was support, is now resistance; it is the Moon's Node +090 electric field flux line
10/11/2024 11:11:11 AM MT Al****:: OK
10/11/2024 10:49:07 AM MT DWY:: venus inversions can be known A PRIORI, and the inversions are deterministic in the macrosense.
10/11/2024 10:41:02 AM MT Al****:: on SPKISS page chart 3 shows 36/220 sell signal, chart 4 shows pivot to R2/R2 move done
10/11/2024 9:52:34 AM MT Al****:: a reasonable MoonTide trade would have been a buy near 5836 and covering on the stall now near 5858 for +22
I did a bit better by watching my 36/220 minute EXMA and the early trading
10/11/2024 8:56:13 AM MT Al****:: the Moon, of course, is always involved
there was early support on the -T000 flux, and the high was exactly on the -T315 electric field flux
10/11/2024 8:45:04 AM MT Al****:: chart 3 on SPKISS page shows a EXMA rainbow buy near the normal session open
10/11/2024 8:41:01 AM MT Al****:: this morning there was early support on the Venus +V135
10/11/2024 8:36:37 AM MT Al****:: from the clinic write up done last night:
"Price wise, a move up to the +V180 flux is probable"
10/11/2024 8:27:44 AM MT ww:: Irrational exuberance.
10/11/2024 6:48:28 AM MT Al****:: Good Morning visitors. Welcome to the Chaos Clinic. The written Chaos Clinic is on the AUX page.

This site has a lot of charts,
so you may find it useful to have several of them available within your
browser. If you have a tabbed browser, you can open separate charts
in separate tabs by right clicking on any link, and selecting "open in new tab"
from the menu. The main list of site pages is at
Recommended pages to watch are SPKISS, MTRainbow, and Chat.
For astro stuff, add SPSunMoon, Wheel, and Chaos Clinic.
A special set of Dr. Al's research charts are on the Secret page.

Comments in the chat room are announced by a
"duck call" noise. This noise also occurs when the software detects a
resonant hex pattern on the Wheel page. MoonTide trading tutorials
are on the right side of the ListOfCharts page. One should
read Trading the MoonTide Tutorial and Keep it Simple as a minimum.

Many subscribers do not strictly trade the MoonTides, but use the charts on this
site as input to their own trading strategies. For example, charts 5 and 6 on the
SPKiss page are a good starting point for swing traders.

Also on this site is the Certified Chaos Trader's Room. That room is open
to graduates of my 4 main courses. See -> Courses for details.

10/11/2024 5:29:18 AM MT oag****:: Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a prosperous day!

9:00 Eastern-System: No comments

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