Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
3:33 out +3.5 -done for the day-thanks for coming-see you next week
3:24 We do have a cover on +9 rule, which in this case is 1091.5 -if we get there
3:22 so far, stop holding-drop about to resume-stop 97
3:04 stop 98-just going to let this one run-when one catches a chaotic move, need to Cash In On Chaos
3:00 stop 1099.5-going for max
2:55 this is the chaotic phase-that slow steady down trend has now turned into a rout
2:48 stop 1101.5-looking like green +Tide- will try to hold to close
2:40 stop 1102.5
2:38 sold 1100.5 stop 1103.5
2:31 good continutation sell setup , if rally attemp fails
2:20 out +1 -now may watch for second chance that is not late throw over the middle-
2:08 it also hleps that I have a down Fractal of Pi pattern
2:06 here is where the EXMA's help-watch the 20--if it can't turn up sharply, will give a continuation sell
2:03 right at the Tide turn -stop 1100.5 -testing yestrday's low-if breaks, may get green +Tide
1:52 stop 1101-do not want to take a hit on a late throw over the middle
1:51 had I not been distracted, I'd have been in sooner-but my wife came in to see what I
do on Fridays -first time ever-so I needed to talk to her
1:49 sold 1101.5 stop 1104.5
1:26 had a a visitor , so didn't jump on that-watching for a continuation trade setup
1:18 a common pattern on slow days is green-red-green Tides
1:13 looks like red -Tide pressing prices lower
1:08 during this congestion, the market will look statistically "normal"-but chaos will
blow those statistics of the bell curve clear out of the water-get big moves that are statistically impossible
1:00 passing solar noon-often changes the character of the market
12:35 the 2 day chart shows a trust up, then a congestion-may get a 2 day thrust,congest,thrust
12:32 trend is now up by the 20/110-now see if it persists
12:24 may now get a rally as per green +Tide-this is not a Tide turn I picked to trade
12:16 we started with a nice move down on the green +Tide, then entered a period of mixed tides
suggests at end of day get good down move on reen +Tide-next trade time near 2:10 Eastern
12:12 covered on stall for -1 -stuck to the -T270 moon flux
12:03 the hex pattern recognizer found a Pluto/Mars/Moon hex, destabilizers at midpoints
of the sides are Venus and Chiron
11:58 stop 1105.5
11:53 note the color of the bars-red when the 20 EXMA is below the 110-says trend is down
11:49 trends that start slow and "normal" tend to accelerate to fast and chaotic
11:47 chaotic markets have "normal" and "chaotic" behaviors-this one is in the "normal" class
11:39 this is one of those days jim Twentyman calls a "grinder+ -steady but slow trend
11:30 stop started 1107, now moving to 1106
11:27 Chaotic markets go from very slow to very fast in a minute-when it is dull, pay attention
11:24 one should act on new information that still fits your rules-need to open and flexible
11:22 having just said that, I sold 1104 on continutation sell-second trade, still in trade time window
11:20 This looks like one of those "OK to hold" trades-I do not try to do that with my rules-I go for quick or out
11:09 the stall exit rule honors Ganns Trading Rule #7-"Trade only in active markets. Keep out of slow dead ones."
11:07 by rule covering on stall for +1
11:05 prices being held up by the -T270 Moon electric field flux
10:55 pretty slow -need to be patient-110 is down, stop is tight-BR>
10:40 stop 1106 -a range of 9 points is probable-looks like on red -Tide
10:37 110 EXMA stopped minor rally-acting like a bull tongue depressor
10:25 stop 1107 -1104 is Sun flux-may be support-not sure which Tide is working
could be red -Tide with sligh left shift
10:06 bounced off the upper Moon flux-continuation sell 05.75 stop 08.75
9:57 minor support on -T270 Moon flux-trapped between the Moon fluxes-form a congestion zone
9:44 support on mercury electric filed flux line-20 and 110 EXMA's very close together-no trade yet
9:31 starting flat -prices just under the Moon T+180 electric field flux line
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
10/22/2004 1:40:46 PM Mountain mjs:: My FOP says we can hit another down streak at EOD
10/22/2004 1:12:34 PM Mountain wlj:: as above so below. hi and low between vert tmoon and vert uranus. 90 deg
10/22/2004 12:54:16 PM Mountain wlj:: down to 1095 ?
10/22/2004 12:23:44 PM Mountain wlj:: hi early vert t moon line hi down to afternoon vert t moon line ?
10/22/2004 12:16:25 PM Mountain mjs:: I see could go to 1095 next for EOD possibly a little bounce up
10/22/2004 11:46:45 AM Mountain mjs:: I am now looking for an OOD?
10/22/2004 11:23:03 AM Mountain mjs:: My target is 1098 by 2:00 then a up bounce along the red tide. Still a BNG though
10/22/2004 11:04:47 AM Mountain mjs:: Right on track with how I used your concepts to analyize today
10/22/2004 10:44:55 AM Mountain mjs:: That is consistant with the examples I cited from your site but I did not look at the larger picture of the markets those dates were in just the one day tade so I can we way off. However, if the Tides show a consistancy it should be so.
10/22/2004 10:40:59 AM Mountain mjs:: My placement of FOP says bias is down or we fracture.
10/22/2004 10:27:53 AM Mountain mjs:: A day very much like 02/08/2002 example and 06/19/2003 example
10/22/2004 9:47:53 AM Mountain mjs:: Very much like music. WC Honeyman 1870s wrote The Secrets which is how to play fast shifting octaves. You don't play them you per the written notes you visualize and let your mind and body follow the curve in the notes and if you have practiced and are good it just comes out right. Practice makes perfect.
10/22/2004 9:46:26 AM Mountain TG:: "R" is at an interesting timing. 5 Hr cash cycle low from yesterday, tide turn, tide 32 timing, and a natural time are all at or near "R".
10/22/2004 9:38:36 AM Mountain mjs:: I want to see what happens at "R"
10/22/2004 9:32:31 AM Mountain mjs:: I have to keep reminding myself to re read your qality improvement and what it taught about letting profits run.
10/22/2004 9:28:27 AM Mountain mjs:: So you could set up a tight stop and hope you are right and can ride it down or get stopped out. Have to think up some tight stop rules for this type of trading
10/22/2004 9:24:56 AM Mountain mjs:: I think we are on the red tide so wonder how to find the sell trade given where the 20/110 are now.
10/22/2004 9:09:11 AM Mountain mjs:: today looks a lot like the 02/08/2002 example on this site
10/22/2004 9:06:49 AM Mountain mjs:: says oil prices up and corp profits down for the reason behind the decline or lack of market enthuasm
10/22/2004 8:40:24 AM Mountain wlj:: forget the 1108 number. but :55 may be good
10/22/2004 8:39:28 AM Mountain mjs:: I'm still trying to get the proper count. I have FOP down starting on the 19th and that fits for me. Given that we can bounce up but the real trade is the down leg possilby a streak
10/22/2004 8:30:42 AM Mountain wlj:: how about stays around 1104.5 until :55 after then up for an hour to 1108.00 ? just playing with numbers.
10/22/2004 8:11:40 AM Mountain wlj:: BCH, i mentioned that a while back when i was talking about bull flag and another leg up in to 2005. said poss ewave abcde when it was 5 swings or another up down for one of al's 7 swing clams. but al's work says we are going here. this up coming date around the 28th thru the election may tell us if up or down.
10/22/2004 8:03:26 AM Mountain mjs:: Both the NASD and NYA fit the Down Clamshell. On both we are comming to the end of the 6th leg and the next is 7 down or a fracture both end mid Nov. This is also consistant with a large flag formed (we popped out of the top but have not really hit a "sure" breakout.
10/22/2004 7:51:02 AM Mountain bch:: Does anybody see a "clam shell" type of seven cound on DOW, from
January to today?
10/22/2004 7:50:26 AM Mountain mjs:: hope to learn more Good Morning all
10/22/2004 7:40:59 AM Mountain Al:: I have some sort of email problem - some got bounced, some didn't
10/22/2004 7:34:50 AM Mountain wlj:: thanks mm forgot about tomorrow's market email
10/22/2004 7:18:14 AM Mountain mm:: ditto - I sent Al an email this morning - "Tomorrow's market email" under List of Charts has the info also.
10/22/2004 7:13:14 AM Mountain wlj:: ditto
10/22/2004 6:35:42 AM Mountain Ben:: Al, Did you have email problems last night? I did not receive the emails for today's trading.
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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