Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
3:01 OK, Im done for the day and the year. See you in January.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
2:46 not looking like we will get a third trade with any juice
2:39 holding above Moon flux
2:28 watching for a sell setup with some juice
2:21 updated FOP chart in CCT room
2:12 looking weak
1:58 may get some energy on last trade near 2:42
1:54 aborting for 0, not moving
1:50 after 2:30, should see some short covering
1:30 stop to 1093; low was right on Mercury timeline
1:26 taking continuation buy at 1095 stop 1092
1:17 at the time for the second hotline trade; on downside need to break about 1092 to get some juice
1:10 stopped on non-hotline trade
12:48 thrust with a 50% correction; if we head lower, expect a lot of retracement traders to jump on
12:36 back up to the Moon flux pair
12:32 posted another chart in CCT Room
12:22 back-adjusting my stop to 1095
11:52 taking a break now for breakfast
11:43 you can see where the current planets are on the Wheel on this site. To know where the planets are and to study things like
interactions with the natal positions, one can use the Wingephi ephemeris-see the catalog on
11:26 The Moon and Mercury opposing natal Node has created the selling pressure. This has changed the nature of the day
11:22 in hind sight, the first trade time should have been a sell; my entry is very late, but may work out
11:20 stop to 1094
11:17 sold 1090, stop 1095
11:16 the up fractal fractured, new down one forming
11:10 placing a sell stop at 1090; not hotline trade; just know that if it breaks down, we could get a rout
11:08 making triple bottom with yesterday
11:03 next trade time is 13:17 near the Mercury M0 timeline; I susspect we holdup until then
11:00 range now 7 points; about average for last two weeks-could trade the rest of the day inside this range
10:56 "Gap Up, Low at 11:00"
10:54 on MTRainbow chart the EXMA's have turned down, mood of the day is now bearish
10:50 now down to the Mercury+135 flux
10:43 support now on Moon T+135 flux; it set yesterday's low
10:36 gap closed; touched -T000 Moon flux-expect buying soon
10:28 this does not bode well for the rest of the day; looks like a low range congestion day from here
10:24 aborted for -3; hit by vertical streak on the Mercury M45 timeline on the SPSunMoonMer chart
10:16 hex pattern recognized-see Hex Wheels Today and read Hex Wheels on right side of ListOfCharts page
Players in this one are R, J.N.C,V,H,P,Moon+90, and price
10:15 this chart looks like my granddaughter's "drawings" :)
10:08 this was a gap up day. Addition buying should come in before 11:00
10:06 lots of chop-need to be patient and accept the risk
10:01 fractal says hold
9:55 I have placed a Fractal of Pi chart in the Certified Chaos Trader's Room
it is open to graduates of my 4 main courses
9:51 holding on the Sun flux
9:47 stop to 1094
9:45 bought 1098, stop 1093
9:43 may get a continuation buy set up
9:43 not much juice; nothing clear yet
9:36 getting a 20/110 sell setup-wating for follow through
9:33 also on MTRainbow chart parked on the white 440 EXMA -wait for a higher high for any buy
9:31 on SPSunMoonMer chart, startin on Sun electric field flux line
9:30 first trade is right on open, but I will wait a bit; bias is up
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
12/18/2009 12:10:42 PM MT acetd****:: we bottomed price wise around neptune timeline, we may start back down around neptune timeline
12/18/2009 12:01:22 PM MT acetd****:: for all to be aware, the SP qrtly reweighting is on the close and is a net 9 billion US to sell
12/18/2009 10:47:27 AM MT pp:: Thanks Al. I am planing to take it in January.
12/18/2009 10:44:36 AM MT Al****:: the SPBias indicator is not revealed anywhere. TO learn about two good indicators, take the Chaos Trading Made Easy course
12/18/2009 10:29:40 AM MT pp:: Hi Al. Can you tell me in which of your software or courses are indicators which we see on your charts? Are they in Moon-tide software?
12/18/2009 10:00:32 AM MT pp:: I like to learn.What I was watching for a few days is SPBias chart.It shows swing very well and I presume candles are custom trend indicator.
12/18/2009 9:52:34 AM MT Al****:: there is a lot to learn
12/18/2009 9:39:55 AM MT pp:: Thanks Al.I think I need to learn a lot.
12/18/2009 9:37:38 AM MT Al****:: you cna't see it on this site-I mentioned it in last night's email
12/18/2009 9:34:18 AM MT pp:: Hi Al, where can I see the Moon and Mercury oposing natal Node?
12/18/2009 7:23:50 AM MT Al****:: GM all-good luck today
all cahrt and MoonTide times are in Eastern Time
12/18/2009 6:59:57 AM MT pp:: Good morning everybody
12/18/2009 6:18:22 AM MT mm****:: gm all - have a great day - EST
12/18/2009 12:36:16 AM MT MVB:: Are the moon tide times in EST or GMT? Thank you!
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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