Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!

Chaos Clinic Recap

Chaos Clinic from 01/24/2003

This is the chart

These are the comments made during the live session

3:08 I have to go get my dog from the Vet-done for the day-see you next week__________________
2:53 Chaos is the study of balance and the breaking of balance-see both today________________
2:44 still following gree +Tide, whcich shows a rally-we shall see-_________________________
2:37 this congestion is 3 hours long-tend to be 3, 4,or 5 hours long,3 most common__________
2:29 getting 20/110 buy signal-wait for curl on 110 EXMA-be ready to buy if hit 865.5_______
2:20 looks like a base may be forming-20/110 EXMA's are pinched going into last Tide turn_____
1:55 looking at 110 EXMA, see follwed red -Tide until 11:30, then green +Tide-possible rally__
1:47 out on that, so position trade resell is out-stay out rest of today and daytrade__________
1:31 the reason for my caution on the resell is that we are at the bottom of the daily trading band_
1:28 I just sent another Email flash to postion traders to lowe stop on resell to 863__________
1:21 notice the smaller down legs-the decline is loosing momentum____________________________
1:01 position traders covered and resold, but resell is with a close stop-locks in profit_____
12:52 I just sent Email Flash to position traders to cover short from 916 here,resell 860______
12:47 support now from the Pluto/Ven/Sat electric field flux bundle__________________________________
12:29 stopped 864, +1.5 - not bad for a late throw over the middle.Now back to 864 balance______
12:13 stop 864, just above the 20 minute EXMA (see the tutorial) _______________________________
12:06 this trade is equivalent to a football late throw over the middle-can fail badly_________
12:04 stop 865 -lock in a profit here___________________________________________________________
12:01 stop 866.5 - 864 is a Chaos balance area-midway between +M180 and -M180 moon electric flux_
11:55 another fast break-lower stop 867-use 20 EXMA as guide for moving fast stop_______________
11:50 continuation sell-sold 865.5 stop 868.5-will want to move stop fast on this one___________
11:30 Passing Qtr moon-drop to lower band edge-possible out of band buy setting up________________
11:24 Hex wheel recognized at 869-Moon/Uranus/Saturn: go List of Charts->Hex Wheels Today_______
11:20 going into the second Tide turn-want to stay out of the congestion-Xcgh now squaring Moon_
11:13 you are seeing the essence of chaos-balance-chaotic move-balance, etc.__________________
11:13 the energy fields have quantum levels,where there is balance,and prices jump between them___
10:59 also look at the steep decline-can you see the 7 moves, as in a Chaos Clamshell?_________
10:56 look at the red -Tide forecast and the cyan 110 Day EXMA-excellent match so far___________
10:55 we now have a narrow trading range from Mer/Chi to sun,centered on Moon flxu 10:36 This is an 18 point range set by Mercury and Chiron 867-885-now catching +M180Moon flux____
10:28 I am back from the vets-Opening Tide Turn was a continuation sell about 880 ,fast move,+12__
10:28 In the chat room bkw took the trade -*67 was one of the hotline numbers-support_____________
9:27 Comments will start after I return from an errand__________________________________________
9:20 Good morning from Chaos Manor__________________________________________________________________

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