Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
3:05 I'm done for the day - screens will run til close-see you next week-more volatile____
3:00 popping up as the Xchg passes Sat/Chiron/Moon-possible invert to red -Tide __________
2:49 still holding up, so late rally is more likely-I do not extpect much energy in it ___
2:35 we have been generally following the green +Tide, so may get a modest late rally_____
2:32 giving up for +.5- I don't like trades that "hang fire" ______________________________
2:29 notice how the slope of the 110 EXMA matches the diagonal white harmonic grid _______
2:26 stop 1022 - trying to be patient here _______________________________________________
2:04 the last energy today comes from Moon/Saturn/Chiron, and is negative_________________
1:58 once more-sold 1020 stop 1023________________________________________________________
1:54 don't like that-covering for 0 ______________________________________________________
1:51 resold 1020.5 -stop 1023.5 __________________________________________________________
1:47 I have a 35 minute stall rule-covering here for +5 - may resell later________________
1:43 note the separation of the 20 EXMA and price from the 110 EXMA-says downtrend strong_
1:35 this is the hard part-to take profit or hold for more-I'll hold for now______________
1:13 Face of God pattern helps find Chaotic breaks like this-stop 1025____________________
12:49 good entry-lower stop to 1028_______________________________________________________
12:46 OK, time to take a shot-sold 1026 stop 1029_________________________________________
12:37 getting a weak 20/110 EXMA sell crossing-want to wait for 110 EXMA to accelerate____
12:24 now not able to hold the flux bundle-rolling over slowly-be patient_________________
12:11 looks like may get a 20/110 sell signal-having trouble pushing higher-still on flux
12:06 that analysis tells me the market is doing about what I expected so far-holding up_
so now I will wait for a possible break down _____________________________________________
12:00 when the market is dull I use my Face of God tool to look for energy centers-one is
shown on the AUX page now. The center is a chaos theory strange attractor/repellor__________
11:48 the Tide turn near 12:20 is the one I picked for next trade-picked because also pass R,J,U timelines_
11:45 now breaking that line -trend (110 EXMA) up, but weak______________________________________
11:34 this weak rally has been supported by the dotted white grid line - a harmonic energy line__
11:28 so far my first two trade times did not give me good setups, so I passed on the trades______
11:22 up to the Chiron/Saturn/Moon flux bundle -set the high yesterday-____________________________
10:52 bounced off the Mercury electric field flux line & the 110 EXMA-not much momentum either way_
10:47 has now turned down to a flat condition-high came right on Tide32 high_____________________
10:37 turned down without making it to band edge-now wait to see if get a 20/110 sell signal_____
10:26 here I am also watching the curl in the 110 EXMA to see if it accelerates or turns back down_
10:18 the trading band is flat, with 1029 being top-so I'm watching for a possible out of band sell_
10:12 getting a 20/110 EXMA buy, but going into the 10:20 tide turn_-so wait to see pullback____
9:52 pretty dull so far-this is a possible trade area, but not without movement__________________
9:30 opening a bit down on the Moon/Sun/Pluto/Venus electric field flux bundle___________________
9:00 Good morning from Chaos Manor__________________________________________________________________
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
9/5/2003 02:57:21 PM Mountain Al:: thanks shl-you all have a good weekend
9/5/2003 01:53:39 PM Mountain bkw:: well they put lipstick on the pig, combed her hair and will spin this as just a minor pullback on the way to nirvana.
9/5/2003 01:05:15 PM Mountain bkw:: yep-I'm out to but I think we get i more down-we shall see.
9/5/2003 12:56:33 PM Mountain shl:: Hi Dr. Al, really nice move. Thanks!
9/5/2003 12:27:19 PM Mountain bkw:: the clean up hitter Chiron is on deck!
9/5/2003 12:04:20 PM Mountain bkw:: nazQuack is rolling-put her on auto pilot!
9/5/2003 11:55:47 AM Mountain Al:: thanks mig-just using my tools
9/5/2003 11:52:35 AM Mountain mig:: very nice call AL
9/5/2003 11:23:54 AM Mountain bkw:: the only thing holding up the Spoo's is NazQuack-once it picks up steam so will the Spoo's.
9/5/2003 11:15:58 AM Mountain bkw:: and I got every lick of it-wowza
9/5/2003 11:15:16 AM Mountain dst:: boy that was a bkw style nosedive
9/5/2003 11:10:32 AM Mountain bkw:: very bearish divergences-Dow-new low, new low not so say the Spoo's-when they roll look out below!
9/5/2003 10:42:20 AM Mountain G9er:: hey look at the AUX chart.........thats what I have too. Great minds think alike I see :) I am gone......have a great weekend fellas and Gooooooo NOLES (FSU grad here)
9/5/2003 10:30:23 AM Mountain wlj:: roll over or upenzgoin
9/5/2003 10:26:04 AM Mountain wlj:: latta mmmmm
9/5/2003 10:24:32 AM Mountain wlj:: new hi comming now ?
9/5/2003 10:17:03 AM Mountain G9er:: good night Alice......high is in for the next 5 trading days
9/5/2003 09:55:52 AM Mountain bkw:: out for naught-goin nowhere.
9/5/2003 09:34:58 AM Mountain G9er:: wlj......u have mail
9/5/2003 09:25:00 AM Mountain wlj:: up side vol comming in
9/5/2003 09:24:49 AM Mountain bkw:: sold 1028-stop 1031
9/5/2003 09:24:11 AM Mountain G9er:: alrighty..........I have next week down into wed/thurs......then another round of pain for the bears
9/5/2003 09:21:57 AM Mountain wlj:: bkw, last couple days vol stuff very neg,,,most times we would be going down by now,
9/5/2003 09:19:05 AM Mountain Al:: ok-it went out, but there have been a lot of email
problems on the net-what went out last night can be read on
List of charts ->Tomorrow's Market
9/5/2003 09:13:56 AM Mountain G9er:: AL.....just a note I didn't get your Friday e-mail this week
9/5/2003 09:10:26 AM Mountain G9er:: Howdy folks.........chop and slop all day huh?
9/5/2003 09:10:02 AM Mountain dst:: bkw wants the hat for the weekend
9/5/2003 09:08:12 AM Mountain bkw:: looks to me like we fall apart here pretty quick-AL!
9/5/2003 09:02:06 AM Mountain Al:: the beep is to notify you of a comment-lasts for two minutes, then goes away
9/5/2003 09:01:38 AM Mountain wlj:: early up side down h/s on sun flux was hint we might run up to gap
9/5/2003 08:56:40 AM Mountain RBJ:: does that beeping sound mean somthing?
9/5/2003 08:51:54 AM Mountain RBJ:: hello al thanks for letting me watch
9/5/2003 07:56:00 AM Mountain wlj:: full sp open gap at 1028,,,email price
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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