What is Market AstroPhysics? And where does the Chaos come in?
Market AstroPhysics is the study of how the solar energy field affects markets. The basic theory is that the planets, moving around the sun, change the flow of ionized particles to the earth. These particles change the voltage on the ionosphere, setting up waves in the earth's electric field. These waves change the currents flowing through us, causing us to trade emotionally. This accounts for the 40% of market motion that is not due to fundamentals.
Chaos comes into play because every perturbation on the earth's ionosphere generates a wave that travels two ways around the earth. These form a positive and a negative wave. At points where they meet and balance, chaos is possible.
Any system that has two or more solutions can exhibit chaos. Chaos comes when the balance is broken, and one force takes over.
This sounds far out. Can any of this be proven?
I have spent years verifying each step of the process. I can compute the electric field flux lines, display them on my screen, and watch prices react to them. You can see this on the Chaos Clinic.
So what have you discovered that is useful for trading?
I have discovered three patterns, which I teach in the Cash In On Chaos course, the Fractal of Pi Course, and the Face of God Course. I have also discovered how to precompute the energy waves. MoonTides do this on a short term basis, and XGO does it on a longer term basis.
So are you rich yet?
Not yet. But I live well and do what I want.
(my sister loves to ask that one)
I have been reading your commentaries off and on and find the possibility that you have found a relationship between physical laws and the market intriguing. I have been trained in the scientific method and see that you explain your decisions based on relationships of waves and planetary movement. It also appears that your thinking has evolved over the last two years. When I first purchased your mateials you were based more in astrology and less in physics (at least that is my impression). I would be interested in learning which of your materials explains your current thinking about how the markets are impacted by energy fields. Being trained in the scientific method, I would be interested in the research papers you have used to reach your conclusions. Are they referenced in your materials?
My work has always been based on physics, not astrology. My first article, In Search of the Cause of Cycles, set the tone. That article and many more are included in my book of article reprints, titled "Market AstroPhysics and Chaos", which you can find at http://www.cashinonchaos.com/hans/products/products.html Each article has a list of references.
What has happened in the last two years has been my discovery of the MoonTides in the earth's electric field, and my documentation of the same on my website, under the Chaos Clinic page.
What you describe in this Website - as well as the printed information you've sent me - has a lot of similarities with astrology.
When I was a kid I read a few books on astrolgy and attempted to make my own chart, and the chart illustrated on this site looks similar to an astrology chart without all the mysticism and occult. As I've matured, my faith in God has increased - and so has my suspicion of the occult . . . the good vs. the bad, you understand?
How does your study of chaos and the markets compare with astrology, and the horoscopes?
My studies have led me to understand that everything in the universe is a part of the universal energy field. That field is GOD. Everything works according to how energy in that field harmonizes. Astrology is folklore based on millions of observations over thousands of years. Much of it is valid, but never placed on a scientific footing. My work has done that, as outlined in my book, "YOUR ELECTRIC LIFE."
Just to ask about some advice. I am trading now for 6 years, after finishing my PhD 1.5yr ago in Japan. 6 weeks I feel extremely nervous (when I started trading for this Bank). Other traders around me experience the same and according to them it is due to the screens. So, I ordered these things for the screen, but they didn't help. There might be more for me to know to understand what is going on. I also ordered your YEL book. Any additional advice would be welcome. Basically if I put in a daytrade, all the time I think we go the opposite direction and become very nervous. When it comes to position trading I analyse the market, expect a red three first days of the week and then sell puts out of the money naked. So, the complete opposite. It never happened before.
What you are feeling is the effect of the negative vortex from the screen. The screens need 4 energy traps each to invert the vortex to positive. One can also wear the Concentration headband. The energy charging kit is also a big aid. The best deal is to buy the Total Energy Kit-TEK.
I am unsure of the placement of the concentration headband. Could you please tell me the correct placement?
The headband opening goes "front, top, center" of your forehead, with the velcro clasp area on the "third eye." The end of the headband is sliced at a 45 degree angle and comes to a point. This point goes toward the top of the head.
Please tell me. Should there be a gap in the magnetic strip in the headband? If so, how much? The one I have was so large that I had to move the velcro. That caused both ends of the magnet strip to overlap each other.
Gap is not essential, but if you cut the strip to make the gap about 1/4th inch it will be about optimal.
The side corners are fine.
I was just reading the information about the Face of God course on your website and had a few questions to ask:
Could you tell me a little more about what the FOG pattern would tell me? It sounds like a Fractal of Pi that changes depending on the planets. Is this correct?
Not quite. The FOG pattern is a set of lines that are created by the planets. The Fractal of Pi is a set of lines created by the mathematics of energy addition. Of course the two are related, but they are not the same.
The Face of God pattern shows you constantly who is causing the particular price move. The pattern has a left side, a right side, and a center. The center of the pattern is a chaotic Strange Attractor/Strange Repellor. Prices tend to narrow in range as they approach the center, then at the center they tend to make a vertical move. After passing center they react to the lines on the right side of the pattern.
At the center, the distance between a buy stop and a sell stop (RISK) is minimum. The move after the center is fast, offering the best chance of GAIN. So FOG is a tool to find trades with the best REWARD to RISK ratio.
In a Fractal of Pi pattern, there are typically 3 or 4 FOG patterns.
Does someone who has experience with FOG easily spot the pattern every time, or does he miss some?
You miss some. Usually when you are too anxious.
I'm interested in your FOG course, but the price is beginning to be of consequence (to my budget).
The $64K question: will FOG be complete enough to produce clearly tradeable setups?? It sounds from the ads like the 'Harmonics of Heaven' course would contain the tradeable information perhaps. I can't afford them both right now, unless I'm likely to know enough to make it back quickly.
FOG is done. Harmonics of Heaven is not. FOG is a good tool, but should follow CIOC (Cash In On Chaos) and FOP (Fractal of PI). I do offer a layaway plan for FOG - 10 monthly paytments at $360/month. FOG ships when paid. Have a few left.
How often does the FOG pattern happen? Does it happen on all time frames, 20 bars, 50 bars, 100 bars, 200 bars?
FOG patterns occur on different natural scaling layers of hours, days, weeks, quarters, and years. There are typically FOG centers about every 1 to 3 time units.
I reread your information on FOG (Face of God course - more information). From that letter, I understood FOG to be a chart pattern ("mother of all fractals") that predicts powerful moves. Is this correct? Because I don't see how you can combine moontides that are totally predictive with FOG. Would the moontide/FOG help to determine which stocks are about to make vertical moves? You mentioned in your letter (from 1993) that the FOG was the key to the vertical moves in the market.
Yes, the combination of MoonTides and FOG can be used to help find vertical moves in stocks.
MoonTides are not totally predictive. The market may follow the normal Tide or the inverted Tide. Also, the Tides tend to shift left and right a bit.
The FOG pattern presents a family of lines the market may follow. This pattern has a center. The MoonTides give a forecast of the path prices may take as they navigate the FOG pattern. The FOG pattern is much more precise and stable. When properly located, it can give very good information on when and where to place a trade.
I trade mainly stocks for short term (1-3 day) moves. I purchased your XGO program in November. While at times I have used it successfully, I have found that I tend to miss as many moves using it as I catch. Would the moontide and FOG combination be more successful at daytrading stocks? Isn't the FOG a chart pattern? I have watched your Chaos clinic, and you often change the delay in the moontides during the day. Is this the only way to use the moon tides? Since I am usually watching 4-9 stocks, I don't really have time to adjust the delay in each stock. Basically I would like to be able to find stocks the night before that would have a high probability of volatility in either direction. Would the moontide and the FOG help do this?
How would you recommend that I use the XGO to help do this?
For your trading window, the MoonTide/FOG combination would probably be the best choice. I am using it to look at the S&P each night, and with a few stocks, one could see which ones were following a tide the best and focus on them.
I usually don't shift the tides much when I am trading. I may mentally shift them, but it takes too long to do it with my software. It's different when I am giving the clinic.
How difficult is it to precisely locate the FOG pattern? I have your Fractal of Pi course and have trouble finding the pattern ahead of time. I mainly trade stocks. I have about 400 stocks I follow and narrow them down to 5 or six to watch during the day. How much time does it take you (someone who is experienced with FOG) to find the pattern? How accurate is the pattern when you do find it? (60 -80% accurate?)How long does it take for someone to learn how find the pattern themselves? How long does it usually take before someone can recognize the FOG pattern consistently?
I have been using a new MTFOG program to look for a FOG of the Day in the S&P each evening. Usually, I can find a FOG pattern that looks reasonable in about 10-15 minutes. Then when the market opens, I adjust the pattern as that day's prices evolve. MTFOG now has a time so it can redraw the screen once a minute. Each adjustment takes about 2 minutes. Normally, I only do this once a day.
The pattern can usually be placed within 15 minutes and 2 points in today's S&P. I think I get it placed "right" about 70-80 percent of the time.
It takes very little time to learn to match up the pattern. It takes a while-a month or so- of finding too many FOGs- to find those that are most tradable. I use my MoonTides to aid in that. They give me 1 or 2 possible FOGs for each trading day.
Can it be used intraday or is it end of day only?
It works on any time scale. The pattern can be plotted on mylar and held up to a screen during the day. I use this often.
How does this compare to some of your newer products like FOP and XGO? Would you still consider it to be the Crown Jewel or have these newer products replaced it to some extent?
FOG is still the crown jewel of my work. I use it daily. Nothing has replaced it, but the tools can be used together. For example, XGO may be indicating a high on a certain date. Approaching that date, I will overlay a FOG pattern on my chart, using it to refine the time AND PRICE of the strange attractor/repellor. Often this will show me what planetary event will mark the turn, and where to put my stops.
Thanks for answering my "true-node" question. However, please let me ask you another question: I was introduced to market astro-cycles by Larry Pesavento's book "Astro-cycles". In it, Larry recommends a program called "Blue Star" as a tool for astro-cycle research. I also noticed that you have your own program. Can you summerize the main differences between your program and Blue Star. Currently, I use a speadsheet-style program called "Wavewise" for market analysis. Wavewise is like Excel (but more powerful). It's capable of generating ephemeris data for all planets except the moon. I regret this because I believe the moon is a major factor in the market I trade (sugar). I back-test religiously so I need something that can port it's output to a format that is readable by a spread sheet. Your suggestions are appreciated.
I had Blue Star but could never learn to use it-too much astrology stuff and a terrible human interface. But when Larry wrote his book, it was all there was.
My "ephi" program is the only one I know that generates a file for spread sheet input. Below is a sample. if your program can read it in, you are in business. There are two files, one with tab separators (ephitab.xls) as used by Excel, and one with comma separators(ephicomm.txt) Fields are labeled in the top row. Here is an example.
month | day | year | helio_M | helio_V | helio_E | helio_R | helio_J | helio_S | helio_U | helio_N | helio_P | helio_T | helio_O | geo_M | geo_V | geo_H | geo_R | geo_J | geo_S | geo_U | geo_N | geo_P | geo_T | geo_O |
1 | 1 | 1998 | 166.074 | 91.094 | 100.367 | 331.893 | 329.826 | 19.656 | 308.445 | 299.609 | 245.296 | 309.996 | 163.726 | 258.348 | 303.371 | 280.37 | 310.778 | 322.304 | 13.644 | 307.166 | 299.012 | 246.345 | 209.63 | 163.726 |
1 | 2 | 1998 | 170.415 | 92.713 | 101.386 | 332.528 | 329.915 | 19.690 | 308.456 | 299.615 | 245.302 | 324.156 | 163.673 | 258.990 | 303.132 | 281.39 | 311.565 | 322.513 | 13.673 | 307.220 | 299.048 | 246.379 | 222.77 | 163.673 |
How do I tell from WinGephi whether Mercury is ahead/behind the Sun?
By the geocentric position of one clockwise/counterclockwise from the other. H is the sun, M is Mercury.
How does the moon inclination of +5 -5 degrees fit with other information showing lunar declination ranges to +20 and -20 (see attachment and column abbreviated "dec")?
Inclination is the angle of the moon off the ecliptic plane - the plane of the earth's orbit about the sun - the higher the angle, the more the Moon torques the earth's crust and the more it pulls the electromagnetic field up or down.
Declination is a measure from the plane formed by the earth's equator -this plane tilts +/- 22.5 degrees during the 4 seasons - it is more useful for visually locating objects.
How can I know the full and new moon from the gephi? Also the Lunar and Solar eclipse. How to determine the tides from this software? Since my time zone is different from yours, how can I enter the correct time?
In WinGephi, the New and FULL moons and eclipses are labeled in the geocentric area under the date, in the upper left corner.
Try 1 20 1996 for new moon. That is when T is aligned with H in the Geo Wheel.
Try 2 4 1996 for full moon. That is when T is opposite H in the Geo Wheel.
Try 2 26 1998 for an eclipse. It is labeled in the same area.
Eclipses are new or full moons which also align with the node O line.
Unfortunately, the time is set to 17:00 UT in WinGephi. I will fix that in the next version, which I hope to do later this year.
During one day, about all that moves that fast is the moon - about 15 degrees per day - or about a degree every two hours. So you can mentally adjust the moon position from 17:00 by getting the time you want into UT, and then seeing how many hours difference there is, divide by two, and move the moon that many degrees.
The ephi program can take a precise time setting in UT, so you can also use it to get the exact moon position.
The MoonTides can not be gotten by looking at the Gephi. They are a very complex calculation.
I am a small time investor of Malaysia's stock market. Actually I prefer to trade short-term, holding for more than 3 weeks is long-term for me. The recent four meteor shower dates coincided to a certain extent with Malaysia stock market's (the KLSE Composite) short-term down trend, they are the Eta Aquaraids meteor showers (May 5-7, 1998), the Delta Aquaraids meteor showers (July 29-30, 1998), the Perseid meteor showers(August 12-13, 1998) and the Orionids meteor showers (Oct 20-23, 1998). What do you think about the relationship between meteor showers and stock? The coming Leonid meteor storm is said to be the strongest of its kind since about 32 years ago, what do you think?
I have never studied meteor showers so your observations are as good as mine. In theory, the meteors would upset the electric fields as they pass through the ionosphere so they certainly would be contributors to short term effects.
Over the last year I tried to analize the commodity markets on an analytical way of approach. There are times where this approach works good and other times where it doesn't. So what else could move the markets? Soon I found your web-site, which I liked a lot. I read your introductions several times and it gave me the idea that you used scientistic principles to research your great ideas. To make a long story short - I got very curious.
However I got a bit confused on what would help a commodity trader the best. I am looking for a proven tool which is simple and which gives consistently good indications.
It is clear that your researches and discoveries are covering a wide field, but I am convinced that like in any area - there are some basics, which can be easily applied. Concentrating first on those is probably the right way to begin something new.
I would appreciate if you could advice me on that.
What is the most useful? I find that knowing when a major turn is coming most useful. There are many ways to get that information. The most useful way I find is to use overlay patterns from my Cash In On Chaos course and the follow-up Fractal of Pi course. They both approach the problem from the output side, where prices draw fractal patterns.
Understanding where the energy for a turn is coming from is also very useful. I watch the planetary action daily using my WinGephi program. I have several courses on this topic, from the Trading MoneyTides, the Finding Astrocycles, to the Face of God course.
What will I get out of the Jumbo package 2?
What time frame does the material apply to?
Jumbo package 2 gives you a good background into what causes markets to behave the way they do. The time frame of value is probably longer term than 2 to 3 days.
One has to decide which to give priority - learning or earning. If you just want to trade, I suggest my hotlines. Both come via email. The Chaos Trader's Hotline gives S&P position trades that last from about 3 days to one week.
The Jumbo 2 package is a good start, but for an active trader, the Jumbo package 3 is a better choice. It includes the Cash In On Chaos course, which is designed as a stand alone trading course. The current special applies to it.
The Cash In On Chaos course and the Fractal of Pi course are your best choice if you want to focus on the trading more than the education.
In the long run, it is what you learn that determines what you earn.
Is this really possible? I have watched today's Chaos Clinic performance in amazement! Can a performance like this be repeated with any reliability? Do you have to take a lot of losses to catch a day like today? Is it possible for me to learn how to do this? Congratulations!!! What a show!
Thanks for the comments. I was under a lot of stress today because my network kept dying. So I appreciate the feedback.
I've paid a lot of tuition to get to the point where I do what I did today. I am still working with some pretty shaky tools in terms of my programs. Besides the screen you saw, I watch an on-line WinGephi showing me the astro stuff, I put mylar overlays from the Fractal of Pi course on my screen-should really be in the software-just haven't gotten to that yet. And I run my new FOG/MoonTide program (in development). It is a lot of information to process at once, and learning to do it takes a lot of practice.Eventually I will have new software for Windows that will be easier to use. That's the technical part. Then one has to learn emotional control and manage one's own energy.
So sure, you could learn it. But it is a big challenge.
Would you send me to a trader who will trade for me using your system?
I have no brokers who trade my stuff. It is not a canned "system", but
a total approach. Brokers do not have the time to trade it. I found one
who thought he did, but he decided not to trade the day we had a HUGE
gain-so I fired him. I teach people to
trade their own accounts. I think that is the only way to make big money.
In your "Tomorrow's Market Email" service, is the chart you send have all the details of the one presented on Friday's free chart?
It has all the items shown in the free email example. During a Chaos clinic I may add or subtract indicators.
I am interested in trying your new e-mail daily service as you do on Fridays.
Is it possible to get a 4 week trial ? 20 days ?
If so, please advise.
I give free samples every Friday as part of my Chaos clinic. It costs me too much clerical work and money to give individual free samples. The service is just $297 for three months. If you are really unhappy with it you can cancel and we refund the unused portion.
We do auto-renew you subscription every three months. The enrollment is limited to 120 traders. When I reach that, no more will be allowed unless someone quits. If you quit I cannot let you back in if the list is full.
I bill every three months to keep my costs low. Your cost is $5 a trading day. The equity curve grows an average of 36 times that. If you can't commit to the investment, you have no business trading the S&P or even the E-Mini.
There is a sample of the One-A-Day trade on the Chaos Clinic page.
I do not understand these trading directions. How do you trail a sell stop under a price? The price will never come down to it.
Re: trailing stops:
A trailing stop only goes one way. It never backs up. If going up, it stays X points below the high of the move. When the move declines enough from its high it hits the stop.
If going down, the stop only declines, always X points above the low of the move. When prices rally, the stop stays at the last value. It they rally enough, the stop is hit.
Re: MoonTide shifts.
Each day I adjust the MoonTide shifts for the next day according to what I think they will be. That moves the ones for the prior day as well, since the software only shifts the whole curve together.
I include the black and white chart amhotbw.bmp so you can print a mylar overlay. It can be read into MSPaint, scaled for your screen, and printed on plastic on an inkjet or laser printer. If you use a color marker you can highlight the moontide line to make the pattern easy to see.
I like to trade the OEX 100 because it is too expensive to trade the SPX 500. I also like to do options on stocks. Do you have a system than can be used for my trading methods?
Depending on the time span you use in your trading, I can suggest two things for trading the OEX.
My TOMORROW'S MARKET EMAIL gives a forecast and trading rules for day trading the S&P. These can be used with OEX options. You track the market until you see if the forecast is working, and whether it is normal or inverted. Then if it shows a good setup, trade your option, covering on the forecast end of the swing. The service costs $99/month, billed 3 months at a time to keep my billing costs low.
For longer terms, the XGO forecast on the S&P can be used for the OEX. It can be purchased as a chart for a year in advance for $36. The one for the S&P works better than the XGO for the OEX, so I would just use it. I use this forecast for my position trading hotline-CHAOS TRADER'S EMAIL HOTLINE.
Last Friday, I observed for the first time your free MOONTIDE page. I noted, when I printed the page out at the beginning, that the red line (inverted SP.IXGO forecast), made the bottom between around 11:30 and when comparing a much later printout, the bottom was shifted a full hour to the right of the chart, bottom being at 12.30. What does this mean ? Value of red is fixed to the bottom time-axis, so why shifting ?
The MoonTides are electrical waves-they do shift left and right some. I adjust them when it is useful for trading.
Can one stick all trading day to either green or red line, so just after waiting a bit after opening and analyzing which line one has to follow then the rest is clear for whole day or does sometimes to have switch from red to green ? When and why.
All chaotic systems, such as markets, have at least two solutions. So one can never be sure that an inversion will not occur during the day. But the basic method of watching it a while, then trading it, works if one uses a trailing stop to cover the case of an inversion.
In Moon in Action VII, you say "Point E marks the Moon 270 to the exchange, very near a low."
Using WinGephi for the date referred to, 4/3/98, I read the Moon as 102 dg geo.
The exchange rotates with the earth. The clock in the center shows where the exchange is at any given time. At 12:00, it is "conjunct" the sun. (H).
Do the moon flux lines work intermittently as S/R or are they fairly reliable over time??
The flux lines are always there. The market response varies,but the Moon flux are very often major support and resistance. It's not the only thing going on. There are at least 22 overlapping electric fields. But the Moon dominates.
To get the chart you show on Fridays, I have to subscribe to the Tomorrow's Market email, or order a Moon Tide data subscription . If I cannot load it into my current software, can I print the data out to and see the daily movement?
You can get the chart already printed by subscribing to TOMORROW'S MARKET EMAIL, which includes both a color and a black and white chart. The black and white chart is in a Windows .bmp format, which can be read into Windows Paint, scaled however you want, and then printed.
The data files can be read into most trading software if they can read ASCII data. They can also be read into and plotted with the free MoonTide demo software.
Does your S&P day trading moon tides work on other markets and in different time frames?
Every market responds to Moontides, but not necessarily on the same harmonic. Each market also tunes into the Tides differently based on the date of first trade. You can research any market you wish by downloading the MoonTide demo program from my website.
How accurate are your systems in forecasting tomorrow's market?
The accuracy is pretty good, considering our collective sorry state of the art in understanding our energy fields. A month long accuracy study is available from the home page. Scroll down to MoonTide Accuracy.
Today I followed your "live" trades in the S&P futures via website and must say I am quite impressed. I just "discovered" your material and I have ordered your Cash-in-on-Chaos Course today.
I have a few questions, if you have a minute. It appears that you use a number of different indicators, methods and datapoints in your trading. Would you mind outlining for me the different methods and indicators you used this morning and the Course or Product which encompasses these items? I am very interested in learning about your methods and ideas. As a physician (MD) I search for and appreciate a scientific foundation in understanding various aspects of life. Thanks for your comments-
The main indicator I use is the MoonTide forecast. It is available either by subscription or buying the MoonTide software.
The screen you see with all the flux lines etc. is my Chaos Trader-RT realtime software. I explain how these fluxlines are calculated in my Masters course. If I ever get it done, they will be explained in my Harmonics of Heavens course.
Basic planetary aspects and astrocycles are explained in Finding Astro Cycles with an Ephemeris, with which you need the Ephi and/or WinGephi programs. The study of the S&P hexagon starts with the WinGephi program.
The fractal patterns are out of the Cash In On Chaos course and the Fractal of Pi course. Comments like "going up U4" come right out of the Fractal of Pi course.
I sometimes put up a polarized fractal efficiency plot at the bottom of the screen. That is a simplified version of the one in the Cash In On Chaos course.
I am sure you have been asked this question a million times but I have to know your response; If your moontide system is so accurate, why is "word of mouth" so important to you to sell your program to others? I am really not trying to be a smart ass, just very curious.
The reason I don't just trade is that my mission on earth is to help others, not just pile up money. When I have my life review in heaven, the only thing that is going to matter is how many other souls I helped in their journey.
I do trade, and I do make money when I follow my trading rules. But I have many other interests and needs. I get a great psychic charge out of reverse engineering God's creation. I learned long ago that if I wanted to learn more, I had to share my knowledge with other souls of good character. I have found that such sharing benefits me in the dialog I have with others. I learn something from everyone. Sometimes it's just a question that makes me look at something again, and I see something new. As far as word of mouth, it's the only good advertising there is. People find the good stuff and talk about it.
By the way, I have heard that "Even God hates a Smart Ass."
I live in France. Can I use your 'predictions' for the French market or for the European Markets, or is it only for the US market ?
MoonTides can be generated for any market. However, one needs to do the proper research before using them.
I suggest you download the demo MoonTide Software from my website. You can use it to research how the MoonTides effect the market you wish to trade.
I would like to subscribe for the moontide data if I could scan the stocks at night to see which stocks had the highest correlation coefficient to the moontide or its inversion.
What would be needed in software and hardware to do this? I have access to both TradeStation 4.0 and Ensign.
What you want is a good idea, but I do not have it packaged up as a product. I can provide moontide data subscriptions for any stock or commodity, at $120 each per month. If you want to scan a lot you'd be better off buying the MoonTide program and generating you own data. Ensign would be better to read the files, since it gives you "forward time.'
I do have a program that computes the accuracy and produces a .gif file for viewing with a web browser. The charts on my website under MoonTide accuracy were made with it. Sorting the results would, right now, be manual.
I am working in the direction you suggest, but don't know when I will get there.
With the XGO Software, can I get same as Moontide-subscription for S&P? Does this software calculate it all or is this a different thing ?
The XGO software is separate from the MoonTide software. Each computes a data series, but XGO does one point per day, and MoonTides does one point per minute. The energy computations are different.
XGO charts are for one year past, and one year in the future, for $36. We can also supply you an Excel spreadsheet data file for the same price.
Is the MasterClock charts showing the harmonics patterns also generated from The Traders Toolkit System or from other (which one) software you wrote?
The master clock is a data file generated from a separate program. The TSTK is just used to plot it. I don't market the master clock program, but I can provide data at a nominal fee.
I don't have the time to watch the market all day,so I am a position trader and use end-of-day data and trade long and short with leveraged mutual funds.
The best tool for your style trading is the XGO forecasts. They work pretty well for finding the turns, especially the lows. There are many of examples of XGO charts on my site. From the home page, go to the reading room, and look for The XGO Files link.
XGO charts are $36 for one year. They can be done on paper or emailed to you.
I am looking for a positioning application using planets that is a multiple of weeks rather than a multiple of minutes. The application would fit into an intermediate performance sensitivity and would fit into positioning existing portfolios. This would include mutual funds, index baskets and webbs. I currently employ a trend following application which positions behind the curve at major tops and bottoms and works well if the respective markets trend. Its clear that the trend following application is recording the results of outside influences. Your efforts to portray these influences could improve the timing of entry and exit as the trend following application confirms and it appears identify areas where a false intermediate reversal occurs. At least it might alert one to be prepared for a false reversal rather than just waiting for the whipsaw and getting stopped out.
I suggest using the XGO for the S&P 500 to trade your equities. The XGO energy curves give decent forecasts of turns. Individual stocks can do very well. I watch IBM and Yahoo, and they do quite well. I would suggest you look at the XGO section on my website. Go to the main page and read The XGO files. Lots of examples.
An XGO chart or Excel file for one year is $36. Can order via my website or phone.
Are moontides and SP.XGO separate programs? Do you then combine these in your Chaos Clinic? If so, can their combination give contradictory results? How do these programs deal with traditional aspects of the moon and planets as given in an ephemeris?
MoonTides are computed 1 point per minute and are used for intraday. SP.XGO computes 1 point per day and is used for position trading. They incorporate all planetary motions, but do not do traditional "aspectology." I use the tool appropriate for the time frame I am trading and avoid interpreting anything from another tool.
Please tell me what price input and frequency is necessary to MoonTides,SP.XGO, Cash in on Chaos, Fractal of PI?
None of these take in any data. The XGO's and MoonTides generate ASCII data that can be loaded into most trading programs, or one can plot them separately. The Cash In On Chaos and Fractal of Pi courses teach a fractal pattern that you recognize on your screen or on a chart. To aid recognition, I provide mylar overlays with both courses.
How does moontide relate to natural energy, represented in the xgo-charts? Did you compare the overall natural energy put in one market with the energy put in one contract of that market? Like the LC energy-chart you sent me compared with the energy-chart of the LCZ9 contract. This might be an interesting aspect.
Both the XGO's and MoonTides compute energy, but the MoonTides do one point per minute and include phenomenon not important in the XGO.
I have occasionally looked at starting an XGO on the first date of trade of a particular contract, but it did not seem to be useful.
If the XGO is as accurate as the Jan examples portray, why was the return "only" 90% during '97?
Were those typical or outstanding and chosen in order to best illustrate the system?
When one wants to track a co., can one buy the past charts on that particular co. and see how the actual pricing followed the energy waves? What is the price for same?
I am very enthused about your work as I also know that it's all energy and all we need is to understand its flows at the appropriate level to the project at hand. Also there's always male and female and you seem to have tagged into something very wonderful and valuable. Thank you for this valuable work!
Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, I have been busy.
Why only 90% return? Ignorance and chaos.
While my work is cutting edge, my equations are mere approximations of the true mysteries of the universe- so they are never perfect.
Also, I have found that there are two versions of each field, and they can overlap. At the common points, prices can follow either energy field. So there will always be losses.
As for following the MoonTide results - there are two, the results of the One-A-Day trades, and the MoonTides themselves. I can fax you a spreadsheet of the trades. Too busy to put on my site.
I have added a feature to the MoonTide demo program to plot S&P prices, and put the last 8 days of S&P prices and moontides on my website. Even those with day jobs and no data feed can be able to watch how the MoonTides work.
Can you tell me the approach used in the Cash in on Chaos/Fractal of PI courses, and perhaps send me a table of contents. How much math is involved?
The approach taken in both courses is primarily graphical. In the Chaos Course we explain how Fractal Patterns are computed but this is an exercise simply for education. Both courses reduce the complexity of fractals to mylar overlays which are placed over your chart and used to recognize the patterns.
Here are the course outlines:
Cash In On Chaos Course
1. What Chaos Is
2. Behavior of Nonlinear Systems
3. Limit Cycles
4. Frequency Shifts
5. Fractal Dimension
6. Fractal Patterns
7. The Hannula Market Fractal
8. Trading Examples
9. Sources of Market Chaos
Fractal Of Pi
1. The Mystery of the Streaks
2. Energy Fields in Markets
3. The Geometry of Waves in Energy Fields
4. The Fractal of Pi Pattern
5. Fractal of Pi Examples
6. Behaviors of the Fractal of Pi
7. Trading the Fractal of Pi
8. Scaling Charts to Use the Fractal of Pi
9. Conclusion
To recognize the pattern, does the chart have to be "proportional" according to your specs or does this apply if I am looking at the S&P at LiveCharts.com?
Ideally you need a properly scaled chart-so many points per day. But many automatically scaled charts come close enough to proper scale that the patterns are fairly clear.
Is the Chaos Clamshell pattern recognition too without price input? (The Oct 27 newsletter mentions 2 moving averages as being a way to verify the clamshell.)
You don't need the moving averages to see the CC. They are just an aid.
I happened to run across your Polarized Fractal Efficiency indicator for my MetaStock charting software. A search for more information led me to your website. Do you have an explanation of the plot of this indicator available?
PFE was written up in Stocks and Commodites Magazine, Jan 1994. It is fully expalined there, as well as in the Cash In On Chaos course.
After receiving your CIOC/FOP courses and receiving your IXGO fax for a month, I'd have to say I'm impressed, perhaps for the first time from a trading 'service' provider.
Thank you. I try to be better. I trade my own money to make my research honest and focused.
What do the number and letter indicators on the calendar portend? Do they signal possible changes in trend or possible large one day moves?
The AstroDow points, 1,2,and 3 are statistically average turning points occurring about every week, month, and quarter. The M and V lunar chaos functions are days on which Mercury and Venus interact strongly with the Moon. This shows up as volatility. There is an article about Lunar Chaos is my book Market AstroPhysics and Chaos.
Do you ever auction anything off on your site? The auction page is always blank when I look at it.
I tried the auction during a chaos clinic once, but had low participation. Since then I have gotten better statistics on my site, and found that while many watch it, most do not stay all day, so the attendance at an auction will be only a percentage of those watching at some time during the day. So I have not actively pursued it. Maybe I should. Meanwhile, the monthly specials are good.
Do you have any affiliation with Ron Prince? He has an article of yours posted on his website. Look at the "History" section. His claim seems hard to believe: 90% accuracy of telling exact time of intra-day hi/low and points movement for S&P 500 futures using planetary aspect trading system. Just wondering.
I have no relationship or involvement with Ron Prince. He quotes an article of mine published in Trader's World. I cannot comment on his accuracy claim. I believe he is using his own version of Wilder's 4 day Delta pattern. My MoonTide accuracy is available from the link on my home page.
I am studying Wells Wilder's Delta system of trading. According to this system inversions only occur just before or after the 1 delta point. Since inversions provide the unpredictable part of your approach, would incorporating this fact into your prediction programs like the Moon Tide program help to increase the accuracy of the program?
Delta's claim about inversions is incorrect. In fact, the Delta turning points are derived by an ad hoc eyeball approach which is quite inaccurate. I have taught three Delta directors my Master's Course and all of them have told me my work was superior. Delta is based on lunar cycles but attempts to oversimplify a very complex system. My Astro Dow Points are correctly derived versions of the Dow's Delta Points. In the same time frame that Wilder finds ten points, I find fourteen. It's a reasonable good statistical approach, but one has to develop the turning points based upon an understanding of why they are there. I teach this in my Master's Course.
Do MoonTides work in conjunction with Welles Wilder's Delta system?
No. while the premise behind Delta is partially valid, the Delta points are derived by eyeball, not by mathmatics. So they are not that good. Welles does a good job of marketing Delta.
Do you use the Delta phenomenon, by Wells Wilder to help in your decisions? The planets would be ???( sun, moon,earth or mercury,venus).
While I use planets, I do not use Delta. I cracked Delta from Welle's second brochure. I found he used Moon and Earth, but in the S&P, where he got 10 turning points, I found 14. The calendar on my newsletter has my Astro Dow days. They are like Delta, but better. The important thing is to understand why those points show up. That's taught in my Master Course.
When I talked to Welles about Delta, he told me that it did not use planets. That was a lie unless you don't count the Moon and the Earth as planets. So I didn't pay the $35,000 to become a Director.
I have taught three Delta Directors my Master Course. They told me I had far better stuff.
I just work on improving my own knowledge, bit by bit. This is a very complex system with 22 overlapping electric fields. The Delta approach tells you where the haystacks are. I am after the needles.
I watch your Chaos Clinic, and am impressed by your screen.
I think it is your Chaos Trader RT software. Can you tell me
more about it and why you only sell it by acceptance?
About Chaos Trader RT
I am getting a lot of inquires about my Chaos Trader RT program. It produces
the screen that you see during the Chaos Clinic.
I do sell the program - but only by acceptance. I restrict the program for several reasons. First, I cannot provide large amounts of support for novices. Only experienced traders and experienced computer users are suitable prospects.
Chaos Trader is a very highly tuned system. I have worked hard to make sure it runs as fast as possible. It has been optimized for trading the S&P. Even a few seconds delay can cost you. So first, you need a BMI datafeed. I support nothing else and cannot afford the time to develop other ways of you getting your data. Maybe when and if I do a Windows version, I will look at other datafeeds.
This software also must be set up on it's own computer with independent access to the DBC data box. It is possible to feed that box to more than one computer via the correct cable, but Chaos Trader must have direct access to a serial port carrying the DBC data.
The second part of the tuning is that Chaos Trader is an MSDOS program. It runs on Windows 95 or 98, but not Windows NT. It needs a multi-tasking environment to run two programs, a small data collector, and ChaosTraderRT in a DOS window in full screen mode. ChaosTraderRT in that mode owns the display hardware and writes directly to it. That gives it a significant advantage over Windows programs.
ChaosTraderRT is driven by a script file.This script sometimes needs to be changed during the day. The user stops ChaosTrader, edits the script, and restarts Chaos trader. This is not your average Windows interface for idiots, but it is a very powerful and useful interface. It has a learning curve, but works well and provides unlimited growth potential. If I decide a new script option is needed, I just add code to Chaos Trader to create a new script instruction, then add that instruction to my scripts. I provide some sample scripts, but a good user must learn to write their own. It is not hard, but does take a little effort. This is not a free lunch program.
Then there is the matter of proper installation. To date, I have only sold copies in the US. I have had the customer provide me a computer. Then I install the software and check out the installation. That takes me about three days.Then I have the customer come for a day of instruction. In that day, I teach you how to operate the system. Then you go home and try it on your own. There is a manual, so operation is not hard once one gets started. And I provide phone support for questions. You must have an email account and know how to save attached files to get software assistance. I cannot be on constant, instant response status for user. I do get back to users as soon a possible, but it may be a day or more.
One of the hard things about installation is making sure the software talks to the video board directly. The software has to know a magic number called the "VGA mode" to make the graphics adapter work. To date I have made Chaos Trader run on all graphics adapters tried, but I have found one adapter (ATI Rage Pro) that would not work in the 600 by 800 mode. Getting this mode setup is part of the difficulty of the installation. Without that part, and with some programming of an installation program, I could probably provide a version that users could install themselves. For now, I prefer to install the software on a new machine and check it out. It saves me time in the long run.
Chaos trader is general purpose, but the data collector is only set up to collect the S&P and E-Mini data. The contract month is currently hard coded, so I generate a new data collector program each quarter and send it via email.
Outside the US, there may be a timezone problem. I need to go through the code and see how the timezone offsets are used to see if there is a problem. In the worst case, you would have to keep the computer running Chaos Trader on my timezone. That I know works.
Chaos Trader has been both my research system and trading system. Buying it will not teach you how to use it. It can overload you with information. One still has to learn how to trade the information presented. That is not easy. This is a set of surgical tools. They can cut you.
So Chaos Trader RealTime is not for everyone. It is a great system. I trade with nothing else. But if you want it, you need to be prepared to make the commitment to feed it data, learn to operate it, learn to modify scripts, and learn to trade it. If you cannot commit to that, Chaos TraderRT is not for you. If you are ready to step up to the plate, call me at 303 452 5566.
Is your Chaos Trader RT software program compatible with any other data source other than Bonneville? Have you looked at E-signal? They are saying it is the same format as BMI and it is faster.
I haven't looked at E-Signal. I think it is Signal via the Internet and software similar to Signal. They claim faster speed because they think you are connected at 56 kbps on a modem, rather than the 19.2 or 38.4 kbps of the satellite box. But the 56 kbps is a lie. First, you need really good phone lines to get that fast. The best I can do here is 28.8 kbps. That's why I went to an ISDN line at $100 per month. Then there is the difference in how the signal is duplicated to feed many users. On the Internet, each character is written to each user by a shared computer. The satellite system just broadcasts to all at once.
On a slow day they will look the same. But when we have a 300 or 500 point day, the Internet systems are going to fall behind. I found that the Lind-Online Internet system was much slower than my satellite feed, but e-Signal is probably as fast or faster than Lind-Online.
I do have a data collector that works with Signal, but it goes through their "data manager" program, which is slower than the program I use now. That data manager can connect to either a Signal box, or a BMI box. What it does is take the data from either box. The BMI data format is built into the BMI hardware, which is not programmable. Signal boxes (like my FM box) are programmable, so DBC reprogrammed them to spit out the same data format as the BMI boxes, so they could merge the two products.
Then they merge either of those feeds with an Internet feed via their "data manager" program. It is a Windows program that uses DDE (direct data exchange) to communicate with an application. DDE is one of the slowest ways for Windows programs to communicate.
My Signal data collector uses DDE to talk to the Signal data manager. I only use it as a backup for my BMI system to be sure I get my one minute data at the end of the day. It may work on eSignal, but may require some programming and certainly some testing. So I can't guarantee anything. I know the satellite system works and works well.
I am intigued by your work. I just ordered the reprints of your published articles, but I can't wait to see if they answer this seemingly trivial question. The number 36 recurs throughout your materials -- 36 copies, $36, $3,600, $36,000. What significance does this number have?
360 is the number of degrees in the circle. It is the key to figuring out how everything works. Ratios to it are naturally harmonic, so I set my prices to harmonic numbers. Life is all about learning to live in harmony.
Another question if its not secret ? Can you tell me why did you call the course Face of GOD ?
When I first saw the pattern, I was awe struck - I was so amazed I said "Oh My God-" not swearing-but in total awe and reverence.