Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!

I Make A Great Discovery

I have now gone far beyond the work in modeling the solar energy system. I have moved from that to modeling individual markets. I have developed a complete theory of how, when, and why chaos occurs in markets. That is my Market Chaos Theory. While developing that theory, I have made several new discoveries-the most notable is the discovery of the Hannula Market Fractal. What is fascinating about the Hannula Market Fractal is that it underlies each and every move in every market. I first noticed the fractal while daytrading with my own neural net system, called Jude. Jude kept showing me a string on buys and sells that formed a pattern. I finally recognized the pattern, so I began researching it. I discovered that it was rooted in the very laws that determine how energy cycles add their power together. And not too surprisingly, the underlying system is a nonlinear, chaotic system. One of my teachers at the Academy, Dr. Mel Wakin, who taught philosophy, taught me that philosophy should be like plumbing. It shouldn't leak when the pressure is turned on. The same thing applies to market theories. I've tested my Market Chaos Theory over and over with real trading - using my own money. It works. I now am to the point that I can analyze any move in any market and understand and explain exactly what was going on. I have even written computer programs using this theory that can predict future market trends. I believe they are the first ever engineering models of markets.

End of a Journey

I finally feel that my long research journey is over. I have gone where no one has gone before. My focus now is leveraging this great discovery. I of course am using it to trade the markets for myself, and I will continue to do so. I am continuing to add to my already large set of analysis and trading programs. I continue to offer several products for those who want to learn more about markets so as to improve their trading. My newest product is the Cash In On Chaos video course.

Beginning of A New Journey

I am currently starting the groundwork for a new venture - my own trading company- to be called The Chaos Mint. The goal of The Chaos Mint is to be the best trading company possible, and to make superior, safe investment returns available to the average investor. I think it is dismal, sad, and nearly criminal that the financial industry can only offer working people, retirees, and young people just getting started an interest rate of 2 to 3 percent. That does not even keep up with a very low inflation rate. I believe that in a capitalistic society, everyone's capital should be able to produce returns at least two to three times the rate of inflation with safety. If it doesn't, where is the incentive to remain a capitalistic society? Where is the capital to build new industries, create new jobs, and leave our children a better future? I have turned down an offer to sell my trading technology exclusively to a few rich clients. I turned that down, even though it could have meant easy, quick financial security. To me, that would not be fair to the many common, good, generous people who have helped me get to where I am. It would not lead to something that would endure after I am gone,. It would not satisfy my own need to help others, especially those who are determined to better themselves. I currently do that through the products I offer.

Where You Fit In

Some of my products my be of interest to you. Which ones depends on what your goals are, and where you are in your own journey. If your goal is to just make some money trading futures, I would suggest my position trader's evening hotline. I give specific instructions on trading US and Japanese stock indexes, Tbonds, Gold, Wheat, and the Swiss Franc. I do all the data collection, computer analysis, and provide you the order placement instructions. I also publish a monthly newsletter giving my longer term views on these markets. If you want to do your own analysis and order generation, you can purchase my Trading System Toolkit, the program I use for my evening hotline and newsletter. You can use it for position trading individual stocks, commodities, or indexes. You are in complete control. If you are new to the market and want to learn, you can purchase my reprints, research reports, and home video courses. If you are ready to trade on your own, you should absolutely take my Cash In On Chaos course. It is the only thing I know of that will teach you how markets behave. If you try to learn this on your own, it will cost you many times the price of this course. If you elect to trade the S&P, try my morning hotline. If you want to fully understand the technology I have developed, take the Master Course.


That's my story. I've been though the foggy bog. I have avoided most of the pitfalls. I've learned a great deal about Nature's Law and how it really works. I take great satisfaction in the distance I've come, and in the results I can get with this knowledge. Thank you for your attention. Please look over the enclosed material carefully. I think it will answer your further questions, but if not, please call or write. I`ll do my best to answer them. Thank you. Happy Trading,
