Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!


The secret to prosperity is generosity. All wealth comes to you as a gift from the Universe. What you do with it is up to you, but ancient wisdom and my own experience says that you should give something back to the Universe, by helping those less blessed than yourself. What goes around, comes around.

I do this by giving to a few pet charities, ones where I know that most of the money goes to meet the needs, and not to some fat cat bureaucrat that never worked a day in his life.

One of those charities is the Wounded Knee District School in Manderson, South Dakota. I grew up in South Dakota, and saw first hand the plight of the once proud Sioux, reduced to an impoverished nation by theft, deceit, and decades of mismanagement by the Federal Government. Their plight was recently highlighted by President Clinton's visit to the reservation. For a few brief minutes, the national news gave a snapshot of the poverty and despair. Their chief rightly told the President they do not need talk, but jobs. Then, the news moved on to other stories, and once again the Sioux were left with empty words.

In the midst of that environment, there is a small dedicated staff trying to build a brighter future for the Sioux. They are the teachers and administrators who run the Wounded Knee school. To gain control of their own school from the Federal government, they had to give up government subsidies. They depend on the generosity of others to help them educate their children, their brightest hope for a better tomorrow.

Periodically, I get a piece in mail asking for a donation. I always try to send something. They appreciate and need any amount. But I often wish I could send more. So what I have decided to do is to share these requests for funding with you via my website. If you care to respond, just print out the section below, and send in your donation. It will be deeply appreciated.

The mailing address is:

Wounded Knee District School
PO Box 370
Manderson, SD 57756

Make checks payable to Wounded Knee District School

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