Natal Dates
To get natal dates for a stock or commodity, the best source is the
exchange on which it is traded. Contact the exchange and ask for the
date of first trade. Do not use company incorporation dates. They do not work.
Here is a short list of first trade dates for some US Commodities, Indexes and Stocks:
Oats - 1/21/1877
Cotton - 9/10/1870
Crude Oil - 3/30/1983
Heating Oil - 11/14/1978
General Electric - 5/27/1926
Wheat - 5/1/1884
Corn - 7/14/1888
Soybeans 10/5/1936
Soymeal - 8/29/1951
Soyoil - 7/17/1950
Orange Juice - 10/26/1966
Cocoa - 10/1/1925
Raw Sugar - 9/28/1970
Feeder Cattle - 11/30/1971
Live Cattle - 11/30/1964
Live Hogs - 2/28/1966
Pork Bellies - 9/18/1961
Lumber - 10/1/1969
Tbonds - 8/22/1977
Tbills - 1/6/1976
S&P500 - 4/21/1982
Copper - 7/5/1933
Gold - 12/31/1974 (GC12.XGO)
Silver - 6/15/1931
Heating Oil - 11/14/1978 - Heating Oil #2
Unleaded Gas - 12/3/1984
Sugar #11 - 12/16/1914
Coffee - 3/7/1882
Currencies - 5/16/1972 - Canadian Dollar/Swiss Franc
Dow - 5/26/1886
Nikkei 6 28 1949
NASDAQ - 10/25/1985
NASDAQ futures - 4/10/96
Australian All Ordinaries - AOI - 1/2/1980
IBM - 2/14/1924
Verizon - VZ - 7/3/2000
Corin Group-5/9/2002
AOL - America On Line - 3/19/1992
MSFT - Microsoft - 3/13/1986
Yahoo - 4/12/1996 - 5/15/1997
IOMEGA - 7/7/1983
Caterpillar - 12/2/1929
Dell Computers - 6/22/1988
Unisys - 5/31/1984
Pressteck,Inc. - 3/28/1989
Zoltek Companies, Inc. - 11/6/1992
Sunshine Mining & Refining WTS - 5/23/1996
Trade Station Procedure
I do not have TradeStation, but here are directions a friend of mine gave
a client for loading MoonTide data into Trade Station. The only difference
with XGO data is that there is no hour or minute field.
Hi Chris,
Al forwarded your message to me about getting the MoonTides into
TradeStation. The format you selected is correct - you just have to load the
data up as a 3rd party ASCII file. Do it like this:
1) Set up your chart
2) Insert - Symbol
3) Select "3rd party directory" at the top
4) Navigate to the folder with the MoonTides. You may have to set this up
the first time by clicking "New Dir...". Remember that you're looking for
ASCII data.
5) Select the file you wish to plot
6) Choose the second field order "Date Time O H L C V OI", with a date
format of "Year Month Day"
7) Make sure the starting and ending times are right.
8) Set the dates and time compression, then click OK.
That should do it. The data will appear in a subgraph on the bottom like an
indicator. If you want to overlay this like Al does on his webpage, you'll
need to write a simple indicator like:
plot1(c of data2,"");
Verify that, and set the scaling to screen, but in subgraph 1. An inverted
Moontide would just be -1*c of data2. You can hide the second subgraph by
going Format-Symbol-Data 2-Properties-Subgraph-Hidden.
Hope that solves your problem.
Erik (Erik Been of fame)
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